Ch. 37: Caught

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Ashley's P.O.V

It's been almost and hour and a half since Zayn had dropped me off back home, yet there was still no sign of him. He had said he was going to do a quick errand, yet I don't know what "quick" errand takes more than an hour. I was beginning to have a bad feeling but shook it off, maybe I'm just overeacting, especially with these hormones now. I paced around my room anxiously biting my nails as I thought. I'm pregnant. I can't believe it. Yea I had skipped my period and gained some weight, felt dizzy and whatnot but when I did my reasearch those had been side affects from loosing your virginity since your body was going through some changes. Never would I have expected I felt the way I felt because I was pregnant.

I lay on my bed thinking of the future. What was I going to tell my parents. Would they freak out? Well obviously! I mean they don't even know I'm with Diego for christ's sake! Now imagine when I tell them the news. Oh so Mom, Dad, I'm pregnant. Or Hey mom, guess what? You're going to be a grandma. Ugh. How about. So mom. Dad. I forgot to tell you, Diego and I got together, and because we love each other so much, I will conceive a baby. This is going to be tough. I mean I'm sure Daphne won't make a big deal about it, but my parents? They won't be so happy.

Diego is another issue. We aren't exactly in good terms and that's what worries me. There's a possibility I've lost him for good. One of the things he had told me that night is that he needed time. What if he never comes back? What if we don't workout anymore. What if he hates me? How can I even tell him he's going to be a father. I don't know what his reaction is going to be and to be honest I'm scared he rejects me....rejects us. What if I just don't tell him. Ugh.

I suddenly began to feel a small ticklish scratching sensation on my foot grabbing my attention. I sat up quickly and looked down on the floor to find my cute little puppy looking at me from below with those big brown eyes.

"Robin!!! Oh my gosh!! I'm so sorry! I forgot all about you with this drama." I frowned as I reached down to pick up him placing him against my chest.

Robin just let out a small bark licking my hand crazily.

"Who's my baby!" I squealed. "Who?!"

Robin ended up jumping off to my bed shaking his tail so hard, his entire puppy bum ended up shaking with him. I laughed at his cuteness as he tried pouncing on me playfully as he barked. I played with Robin for a little longer distracting myself from my thoughts when I decided to stand in front of my body length mirror. I eyed myself curiously, cocking my head to my right as I picked up my blouse right below my bra eyeing my stomach. I small smile creeped up to my face as I placed my hands around my stomach, rubbing it softly.

"Yes little one. I'm your mommy." I grinned happily. "And your daddy is Diego. Your handsome daddy. I'm sure your going to look like him. You'll have those light brown eyes with those long lashes. Those beautiful plump lips and wavy hair. Gosh. You'll be beautiful. Let's not forget Zaynie now. You'll love him as much as I do. He will be a great uncle."

"What a beautiful sight." A voice whispered weakly.

I jumped in shock from the unexpected voice. Holy.

"Zaynie! Oh my gosh! Don't ever-"

My voice cut short as shock over came me. The Zayn that stood in front of me was not the Zayn from almost two hours ago. There was a black eye forming on his left eye along with a nasty bruise on his right cheekbone. His nose wasn't to bad yet his mouth was swollen and cut. Zayn stood their with a smile, trying to cover his pain, but he can't fool me.

"Zayn! Oh my gosh! What happened to you?! What-What did you do? Who did this!" I said hysterically as I ran quickly to Zayn.

"Well hello beautiful." Zayn winced as I hugged him.

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