Ch. 48: Defiance

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Ashley's P.O.V

Have you ever had that feeling when you think it's going to be the end of the world for you? When your world literally stumbles down and everything gets ruined? All your hopes and wishes literally shattering across the floor without you being able to do anything to fix it? Well let me tell you that the feeling isn't pretty. It's excruciating. It's a fetal virus that runs up your body, killing any hopes one can possibly have until all you have left is pain and sorrow. What makes it so sad, is that one person and their decisions can grant this upon you.

My breathe hitched at those words as they escaped Ryan's lips. My heart sunk, more than I ever thought possible, and I felt myself grow pale and weak. I began to feel dizzy, as the upcoming scenes all became a blur and if it wasn't for Ryan squeezing my thigh harshly under the table, I'd probably pass out.

I looked straight ahead of me, meeting Zayn's hazel orbs, as they stared back at me holding confusion and concern within them. His jaw had dropped slightly and his brows had furrowed together, but that was nothing compared to my parents countenance.

Their eyes had grown wide with shock, their jaws had dropped, and they were staring at me with bewilderment. I watched my mother's hands shake vigorously as she tried reaching over to grab my father's hand. My father in the other hand, let out a loud cough as he brushed his hair with his fingers, but his stare killed me the most. His eyes held disappointment. A disappointment I had created, as he now realizes his innocent princess isn't what he thought she was all along.

"Ashley? Is this true?" I heard my mother gasp.

"I-I....I don't know what to say." I blurted out, my voice becoming wary, as tears brimmed my eyes.

"Are you pregnant? Is this true?" My father bellowed, his voice echoing throughout the entire house.

"Why didn't you tell us?" I heard Daphne ask.

"Answer girl! Are you pregnant?"

"Are you carrying Ryan's child?"

"Since when?"

"Why did you keep this relationship a secret?"

"When were you planning on telling us?"

"Is that why you've been locked up in your room all this month?"

The questions kept coming and coming nonstop, yet I didn't answer any. I couldn't. I didn't know how. I hadn't been ready to let the truth be known. It wasn't supposed to be like this, especially not today. Not on my birthday. I looked over at Ryan, as my tears slowly slid past my cheeks. For a second there, when his eyes met mine, I saw a glint of sympathy being held within his blue eyes, as he witnessed the mess he had just created, but that didn't last long, as a faint smirk played on his lips, his eyes now watching me with amusement.

I wanted to yell at him, scream at him, and punch him so he felt the pain I was now experiencing. I wanted to let him know how it felt to have your world end at the snap of one's finger, but when I opened my mouth to say something, nothing came out. Instead loud sobs escaped my lips as I felt Ryan cup my cheek gently, which I quickly swatted away. How can someone be so evil? How could he do this to me? Why does he want to ruin my life?

"Ashley, babe." I heard Zayn finally speak, causing me to look up at him. "Talk to me."

I shook my head nervously, as a loud hiccup bellowed out from my parted lips.

"I-I, it's n-not his." I stuttered.

I felt my body paralyze as I let out those small simple words, earning a glare from Ryan. I felt as he grasped my thigh harshly, making me jump from the chair, as I pulled away from him, making a run for the stairs, without excusing myself.

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