Ch. 50: Turmoil

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Ashley's P.O.V

I felt the tears slide down my cheeks slowly at the realization of everything going on around me. My parents just granted permission so easily to Ryan, for him to take me with him. They didn't even mention they would think about it. My father just agreed and my mother went with it. How can they not sympathize for me? They, as my parents were the only ones who could have said no to Ryan, yet even they got manipulated with Ryan's words. I felt disowned, and I probably was.

In my father's eyes, his disappointment was very noticeable. He didn't even care if my so called boyfriend was a wealthy billionaire, no. I'm sure he was impressed by Ryan's future, yes, but did that wash away his disappointment towards me? No, he can care less if a new family member was the son of a billionaire, he was upset that his little princess, the one he admired, ended up being pregnant at eighteen before marriage.

I remember how he had always lectured Daphne and I when we were in our early teens. He would tell us that in our society, women that had no husbands, or that were divorced were a sign of trouble. He also said, that girls pregnant before marriage was never a good thing to see, especially with no man besides them. Society would always look at them with hatred and disgust. He aways told us to choose our husbands carefully, and that we made sure we would pick the right man, who would love us forever, so that we aren't succumbed to such unfortunate events with society. He always told us to wait for marriage, until we gave our entirety to someone. It's a sad world we live in, I know. So strict. So bias. Our society was very cruel, and it was always about the looks and appearances. Always has, always will be. Now I understand why greasers were seen as trash and delinquents. But I will love my greaser babes forever, regardless.

My father excused himself from the table soon after agreeing with Ryan, in letting me move in with him. Where he went, who knows. I simply watched as he took ahold of his car keys and coat, before walking off outside. My mother in the other hand, tried easing things up, but failed so instead she cleaned up the table, taking all the dirty dishes to the kitchen sink, where Daphne, for the first time in forever, volunteered on helping.

Zayn, was quite the character. He kept pacing back and forth in anger, tugging at his hair, here and there in frustration, unknowing of what to do. He'd glance at me a few times, pleading to talk, but I couldn't since Ryan was still beside me.

"I need to smoke." He blurted out, as he walked past us, making his way towards my front door.

"What's up with him?" I heard Ryan laugh.

I turned to look at him in disbelief.


I glared at him.

"We need to talk." I hissed.

"Not now Ashley. I don't want to talk."

"I said, we need to talk." I repeat.

"Fine." He growls. "But not here. Let's go up to your room."

I nod, as I turn on my heels, making my way quickly towards my room, with Ryan trailing behind.

Once having reached my door, Ryan shuts the door behind him.

"What is it babe?"

"How could you!" I hiss, clenching my teeth together, as I point my finger towards his chest.

"How could I what?"

"How could you have me forced to move in with you!"

"Ok Ashley. You're over exaggerating. What's the big deal."

"Don't you dare tell me I'm over exaggerating! Don't you dare say that shit! That wasn't part of any plan! You never told me you'd have me move in with you! How can you do this to me."

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