Ch. 33: Soulmate

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Zayn's P.O.V

"On my way." I blurted out rapidly as I hung up the phone.

I quickly pulled the covers off to feel the chilly air meet my body causing a chill to run up my spine. I stumbled through the floor in the darkness trying to look for a pair of Levi's and a shirt and successfully found a pair. Rapidly I put on a pair of black skinny jeans and a white v-neck shirt along with my leather jacket and chucks and ran out the door as fast as possible. Normally if I were awaken at this hour I'd be bloody mad, but for her I didn't mind. I'd do anything for her. She needed me and I'm going to be right there for her besides her. Why did she call me at this hour, I do not know. But the moment I heard her shaky voice I knew something was wrong and if someone hurt her I sware they're going to pay somehow.

Fully awake now I ran past the familiar streets to her house as fast as my long legs would take me. I was worried sick. Even though it was super cold out my adrenaline would not let me slow down. Heat overcame my entire body as sweat began to trickle down my temple. I won't stop. I can't stop. Finally reaching her house I quietly jogged toward the tree and began to climb up easily as I reached her balcony. I knocked quietly at her balcony door hoping to make the least noise possible since I knew her parents were asleep. I heard shuffling from inside the room and the room became dimly litted as the door opened to reveal an exhausted and hurt Ashley only wearing a thin sweater that barely covered her bum. Her eyes glowed due to prior crying, tear stains visible on her little cheeks. Her lips began to quiver at the sight of me and she shook her head back and forth hugging herself as she stumbled forward.

"Zaynie." She said in an audible gasp.

I quickly caught her before she fell on the floor, her hands automatically gripping on to my waist, her head hiding itself in my chest as I rested my chin on top of her head, as we both slided down to the floor. I cradled her as I heard her begin to sob. I hated seeing her cry. It broke my heart to shreds. How can someone so beautiful and angelic be suffering so much. She doesn't deserve that.

"Hey. Babe. Shhh. I'm right here. It's ok. I'm here now." I cooed as my hand did small circles on her back.

"I love you so much Zaynie. I really do. I trust you so much. You came. Oh my gosh you came." She sobbed.

"Why wouldn't I come? I told you I was on my way. Whenever you need me babe, I'll be right here ok." I whispered unto her ear. She simply nodded and hugged me tighter.

Memories flooded from the first time I had seen her in this condition. It was a few months ago and the fact that it's happening again made me clench my jaw. I continued cradling her a while longer as she continued crying unto my chest. None of us said a word yet and I was frightened to start a conversation. I wanted her to cry it all out first before I asked her any questions. Here she was, holding on to me, as I held on to her, our bodies clinging to one another. Then and there I knew how much she needed me and I needed her. She was my soulmate. People think a soulmate is only your wife or husband but it's way more than that. A soulmate is a best friend as well. It's the one person in the world who knows you better than anyone else. A person you carry with you forever. And no matter what happens, you'll always love them and nothing could ever change that. I held on to her tighter as a small smile came across my face. I found my soulmate. I felt a single tear slide down my cheek with the whole situation. I was going through so many emotions and can barely imagine how much worse she was. I gently put my hand under her thighs carrying her bridal style as I got up and went inside her room laying her down gently on her bed.

"Zaynie. Please don't leave." She pleaded like a little girl as I had barely disattached myself from her to take off my jacket.

"I'm not going anywhere. I promise." I whispered.

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