Ch. 44: Hangover

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Diego's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning with a throbbing headache. The entire room seems a blur as I open my eyes, the morning sunlight disturbing my eyesight. My stomach churns at the repulsive mixture of whatever I had consumed last night. Overall I felt like I wanted to explode. I sigh, as I run a hand through my hair. What the hell happened last night? Where am I? All I remember was talking to Dally about Ashley and everything else is just a blur.

I look down at my shirtless body and the thin sheet that covers my torso. The dizziness of my headache intensify with my every movement. I turn around to look at my surroundings, to be faced with a head full of brunette hair. My eyes trail down cautiously only to be met with a half naked girl besides me.

My eyes widen in realization as I begin to put the puzzle pieces together. I slept with this girl? Who is she? How did I even get this far with someone. I jumped out of bed instantly, cursing under my breath, as I looked for my boxers.

"Fucking shit. Damn it. Fuck!" I continue yelling profanities, as I throw on my discarded boxers and jeans.

Suddenly the girl begins to stir and turns over to reveal her bare chest. I look away quickly to avoid her stare, as I sit back down on the mattress.

"What the hell Diego! What's wrong with you? What time is it?" She groans.

I ignore her as I throw her shirt and skirt that sat in a pile besides my feet.

"Put this on." I order.

"Diego chill."

"What happened last night? Tell me? What the fuck happened! Who are you?" I demand, my voice raising with anger.

I finally turn my back to stare at her and luckily she had clothes on now. My eyes met with a pair of sky blue orbs who held bewilderment as they stared back at me.

"Will you chill? Nothing fucking happened."

Disbelief washes over me.

"Then why were we both naked in this damn bed?" I question.

She chuckles. Her eyes staring at me with amusement.

"You were that out of it last night, huh?" She rolls her eyes. "Well, you were talking with Dally about who knows what and you were very intoxicated. Anyway, I liked you the moment I saw you. I asked around who you were and was able to find out quite a lot about you."

"What exactly did you find out?" I questioned.

"Don't interrupt me Diego." She laughed. "As I was saying, I found out who you were and that only intrigued me more. I tried to have sex with you eventually once we were alone in this room, but you rejected me. I tried my best moves by stripping us naked and all but you still wouldn't budge. You got turned on but that's about it. At a point you even called me Ashley and you thought I was her. Which by the way was a huge turn off."


" much for the sex right?" She chuckles. "We ended up just laying in bed and I had to listen to you talk about how much you loved Ashley and how sorry you were until you finally went to sleep. You went pretty deep. You're pretty emotional when you're high. I don't know who this chick is but whoever it is, you got it bad for her Diego."

I ran my hand through my messy hair. Goodness, what's happening to me. Even in my drunken state, she's still in my mind. I let out a loud sigh as I laid myself back on the mattress, my hands covering my eyes in frustration.

"Ain't that funny?"

"What is?" The girl questioned.

"Even when I'm drunk I still can't manage myself to have sex with someone else. Nomatter what she's always on my mind."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I don't know why I'm telling you this, but the first time me and my girl had broken up, well as much as I tried to get intimate with other girls, I couldn't. It wasn't right. I tried, trust me I did. I tried going back to my old ways, but I just couldn't. The furthest I made it was by almost entering her, but I ended up stopping myself. Now, even when I'm drunk I still can't do it."

I laughed.

"Well maybe you just need to let go. Once you do, you will most likely feel free and you'll be able to do whatever it is you want to do. And when that happens, make sure to call me." She winks.

I stay quite, unknowing of what to say.

"Anyway it's time for me to depart. Nice meeting ya Diego. I hope to see you around soon. My name's Charlotte by the way." She smiles.

"Nice knowing you Charlotte. Sorry about last night. Just, thank you, for hearing me out."

"No problem handsome." She says, before walking out of the room, leaving me alone.

The cold room hits my skin as I walk towards the living room. The harsh headache continues to pound immensely. This sucked. Why did I even get trashed last night? How is that even fitting? Well it did sound like a good idea at first but in the end it was shit.

Yea, this week has been a complete fucking disaster. All I wanted to do was forget her and the issues I was facing. But obviously no matter what I did she couldn't leave my mind. Even in my drunken mind she was present. Fuck, I needed her. I really needed her.

"You have fun last night?"

The voice startled me as it had came out of nowhere. I turn around quickly only to find myself staring at Dally who held a smirk upon his face.

"Nothing happened."

"Really?" His said, in a very amused tone.

"Yes Dally. Nothing happened. I rejected her."

"Good. I wasn't too fond of you sleeping with chicks just to make you forget."

"Why do you even care so much?"

"Several reasons."


"Well for one, that was my bed we're talking about. I would have had to burn the sheets." He laughed.

I glared at him.

"I'm joking. Gosh. Loosen up a bit. Anyway, I respect your broad a lot and I respect you a lot as well. I know how happy you were with her. She changed you for crying out loud. She made you better. You even got committed for the first time in your life, something nobody thought would ever see you do. And for you, just to throw her away like that is fucked up. Dude, she's like your everything. You're insane for this girl. So why disrespect her like that by having a one night stand?"

"It doesn't matter anymore." I scoffed.

"I just don't want to see you fucked up. I know things look tough right now, but I'm sure you can win her back. Diego you love this girl. Why are you giving up on the one thing that makes you happy?"

"Maybe it's best I let go Dally. She never loved me." I spat.

"That's some bullshit."

"It's not. She said it herself!"

"And you believed her?" He laughed. "Diego, to be the leader of the Wolverines, you sure are an idiot when it comes to love. That girl was far from not loving you. She was head over heels for ya. Trust me."

"She fooled us. She fooled me."

"No. She fooled you into believing her lie. She fooled you into thinking she never loved you. Look I don't know what happened between you two, but I advice you to win her back. You guys were made for one another."

"Goodbye Dally." I brushed off as I walked myself to the front door.

"Goodbye Diego. Take care alright."

I simply looked at him, giving him a small nod before walking out the door. I can't stay there any longer and hear his sermons. I couldn't. I just needed to forget. I wanted to forget. Ashley Aguilera needs to leave my heart before she kills me.
A/N: Sorry for the crappy chapter guys, but it's a needed filler. Anyway comment & vote! Love ya'll :*

"Diego, did you get raped?"
~Thankfully I didn't. That would have been very awkward."

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