Ch. 57: Dirty Little Secret

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Ryan's P.O.V

Blood. It was everywhere. Red blotches of blood were smeared on every staircase and all around her petite head. A pool of blood clouded her and her skin grew pale instantly. She laid there peacefully and in deep slumber as I stood there at the top of the staircase in shock.

I pull out of my trance a few seconds later, and run down the stairs, kneeling down besides her, unsure of where to place my hands. Tears form in my eyes, and they slide down against my cheek as I look at my baby girl surrounded by blood.

What have I done? It was an accident. I didn't mean to push her! My anger got the best of me and now this is all my fault. I don't know what to do.

"Ashley. Baby." I whine, in hope she would wake up. "I am so sorry. Please forgive me."

I cradle her head and upper body in my arms, as my tears fall unto her cheeks, making it seem as if she were crying along with me.

"C'mon babe. Wake up." I beg. "Open your eyes Ashley. C'mon!"

Nothing. She still remains motionless.

I look at my blood stained hands in fear, gasping and choking on my own tears and breathe unknowing what to do. Honestly all I could do was cry right now. What if she's dead? What if I lost her for good? What if she never wakes up?

I place one of my hands on her small baby bump and rub small circles on it.

"C'mon babygirl. Wake up. Do it for your baby. Don't leave me. Please don't." I cry.

I lean over and press my forehead with her pale one, and my other hand gently lays on her bloody hair. Suddenly I hear the voices of my parents in the front door, turning the doorknob slowly, and then my mother let's out a loud piercing scream.

"Ryan!" My mother gasps.

"Bloody hell! What happened!" My father worriedly says as he rushes to my side, taking Ashley's small hand and checks for a pulse.

"She's still alive! Call the ambulance! Hurry!" My father yells, and my mother runs towards the living room calling the ambulance and giving them our address.

"What happened!" My father yells.

"I-I don't k-know!" I lie. "I leave her for one second to get her a cup of water and next thing you know I find her laying on the floor like this! She must have tripped and tumbled down the stairs."

I sobbed into my arms, running my hands through my hair, tugging at the ends, when I feel a strong grip on my shoulder.

"Everything is going to be ok son. The ambulance is coming. They're on their way."

"No dad! This is all my fault! I'm supposed to be taking care of her!" I sniff, wiping a tear away.

"This is not your fault! You love this girl don't you?"

I nod.

"Exactly, be strong for her and pray she is alright instead of blaming yourself. There was no way you'd know this was going to happen."

I avoid eye contact with my dad, feeling guilty for lying about what had happened. Of course I knew what happened, but it was an accident. I didn't mean to push her down the stairs, but I wasn't going to tell him that. This is just going to have to be my dirty little secret. I just hope Ashley can forgive me and stays with me in the end. I don't know what I'd do if I loose her.


"What's taking them so damn long to tell us how Ashley is doing!" I growl as I pace back and forth in the hospital halls, outside the Emergency room. "It's been two damn hours! It's past midnight now and still we know nothing!"

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