Ch. 30: Steal My Girl

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Ashley's P.O.V

A woman.

That's what I am right? I mean I'm almost 18, but that age number isn't what's going to establish if I'm an adult or not. I feel like one already. Not economically wise but you know body wise.

The most special moment in my life had just happened and I couldn't ever stop thinking about it. How it all happened. How I was ready. I had given my virginity away to Diego. He was my keeper. He held my treasure and it's his to keep forever no matter what happens. I remember how every trial of kisses burned against my skin making lustful moans escape my mouth. How I'd fist his hair and how gentle he was.

To be honest I don't think he had ever been gentle with anyone but me. Just the way I read his eyes truly showed what he felt for me. He loved me as I loved him. I had enjoyed every moment of it, although the next day after the shower, boy was I sore. My entire lower body simply felt slow and heavy but that's normal I suppose. Then for the past days I've been craving a lot. Like a lot! My chest area got bigger and sore. My butt was bigger as well, and I asked a couple people who had lost it already and they said it was normal. Whatever. Diego was mine. And I was Diego's. We were made for each other. He was perfect. He was my man.

A couple days later, once I was fully well I decided to go back to school again. This time having a feeling I'd see Ryan again unfortunately.

It had been a while and honestly I was at peace not seeing him. Yea he came to ask for me at my door but luckily my dad and Daphne kept telling him I wasn't up for visits, but if that were my mom he'd ask, boy oh boy. Hell would break loose.

Ever since me and Diego made up, I decided to tell him everything. Well sorta. Not the threatening Ryan has done towards me but more like what truly happened at the forest that one day and let me tell you it was not pretty. Diego is obviously not up for his shit any more and I don't blame him, but because of me, I've prevented him from doing anything really stupid, such as, getting in a fight.

Anyway after what happened with Dylan, not only Diego but the entire gang is on watch out, protecting me everywhere I go. I don't mind it, since it is for my own safety and to be honest I'm scared to have any more encounters like that again. Having a near death experience is no where near fun.

Diego came to pick me up in the morning like usual...awww, my baby, so adorable, and as we walked to school we had our laughs of course. School today though was boring. I hate it. Or maybe I had gotten used to a few weeks of homeschooling. A couple of acquaintances did come up to me to ask where I had been throughout the day, but I wouldn't say too much.

Then the class I dread to stay away from was a few steps ahead of me. You would not believe how long it took me to go inside. The only reason I was even inside is because Mr. Le looked at me weird telling me to come in. Of course I obeyed him, after-all he was one of my favorite teachers. He was very funny actually and he taught well for a math teacher, but any who. As soon as I sat down Mr. Perfect stepped in, his eyes directly looking at me the moment he had stepped in.

Great. It starts again.

He smiled a sweet tender smile. His eyes glowing as he sat down next to me.

"Ashley! Your back!" He whispered as he gave me a kiss in the cheek. I tried flinching away from him, but always. "I was so worried about you! I missed you babe!"

"Will you STOP calling me that?" I questioned irritated. Boy, what part of stop did he not freaking understand?

"Why? I think it's quite fitting." Ryan smirked only causing me to penetrate my eyes into him.

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