Ch. 39: Atelophobia

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Atelophobia: The fear of imperfection of not being good enough.

Ashley's P.O.V

I remained silent the entire time during first period, ignoring Toni's questionable looks. She would continue whispering questions, but I paid no attention to her and after a while I think she understood that I did not want to be bothered. Don't get me wrong, I felt bad ignoring one of my best friends, but I wasn't ready to be bombarded with questions about Diego, especially knowing my stomach held a knot inside which seeked to be unleashed.


After second period where I sat miserably in the back of class, the bell rang signaling snack had started and I began to grow nervous. I have no idea where I can go without facing my fellow friends. Especially because I can't bare to even look at Bettie, I wanted to slap her for kissing my boyfriend while she was with Ace. I wanting to slap her for ruining my relationship right when I thinking of possibly forgiving Diego. I knew now why she always hated me. It all made sense now. She hated me because I had Diego, but she seems to have won the war. Tears began to run down my cheeks as I walked down the halls heading towards a place that can comfort me, the library. I had the need to jog there and I did because I needed to hide. Hide from everyone and everything. Tears continued to fall and for some reason the emotion was worse, maybe because I was pregnant..who knows, my hormones are crazy, but I can't deny the fact that would could have been a perfect family for me and my baby is now gone. I will never love anyone the same, and no I'm not just saying that because I'm in the moment. No. But because what I felt with Diego was the type of love one is lucky to even have because it's not found easily anymore.

I jogged as fast as I could, hiding my face from people staring at me until I felt a hand pull on my wrist tugging me gently, making me turn around to face the beautiful tanned boy with the black quiff and a blonde streak.

"Zaynie!" I sobbed as I hid my face on his chest, gripping on to him tightly.

"Shh, love. I'm right here. It's ok."

"It hurts." I cried. "Everything hurts."

"I know. I know what you're going through is painful that I probably can't even imagine the feeling, but I'm here and I'm not going anywhere ok."

I nodded slowly as I continued sobbing on his shirt. I felt bad for ruining his black V-neck which was now soaked, but here in his arms I felt safe. I felt secure and understood.

"How's the baby?" I heard Zayn whisper lowly.

"I don't know." I sobbed.

"You know. It's not good to cry when pregnant. So I've heard, because you transfer pain and negativity to him or her. So please love. Please laugh and smile. I don't like seeing you sad."

"I can't Zayn. Did he ever love me?"

"Ok babe. Listen here. As much as I hate him right now and want to talk shit about him and tell you he played you and doesn't love you...I can't. Because one thing I'm positive about is that Diego did love you and still LOVES YOU! Trust me when I say that. I'm not being on his side, just trying to be fair. I'd be lying if I told you Diego wasn't head over heels for you. You were all he talked about that day when he saw you at snack on your first day of school. You were all he talked about with me and the boys out of school, and when you two were a thing, boy, you made him the happiest man alive. See, he had this glow, this new vibe that he at first was scared about, but soon realized you were the love of his life. He changed for you Ashley. He really did and I can guarantee you that because I kept an eye on him. He'd reject every girl that threw themselves at him, even when you two had your first argument. Now what he did was a huge mistake he is now paying for."

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