Ch. 46: Teenage Dirtbag

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Ashley's P.O.V

Today was February 1st. My eighteenth birthday. It's been a month since everything has happened now, and I've tried holding myself up as much as possible. I guess you can say I'm slightly better, but notice I said slightly.

But was I excited today to be turning eighteen? No I wasn't. I was the complete opposite. I can actually care less, it's not like my life has been all so great this past month. My life without Diego has been hell. An emotional hell full of torture of sweet loving memories, and the lust of a touch you will never have.

The past month, I kid you not, I've been locked in my room. Like literally. I've gone back to my homeschool routine, since I didn't want to face anyone from school. I'm sure everyone had already heard of Diego and I's breakup, therefore I didn't feel like facing my reality in school. I didn't want to be questioned nor did I want people to pity me and think of me as another one of Diego's girls. I miss my friends. I really do. Most of all Zayn, but I'm not ready to face anyone.

Not only that, I look like crap. I look like a lazy bum all the time, having my hair tied up in a messy ponytail or bun, wearing baggy clothes and sweats. Even though I'm supposed to be gaining weight, I actually think I've been losing it. But hey, I'm actually trying to eat now. After having Daphne try to shove food down my throat everyday, one day I just realized that maybe my baby was hungry. I can care less if I starve to death, but my baby doesn't deserve that. He deserves to grow and be fed, and I as the soon to be mother, have the obligation to do so. Surprisingly, my baby bump was more noticeable, which hences why I'm always wearing baggy clothes.

Don't get me wrong. I love my baby. I do. I talk to him or her everyday, since I had no one else. I sang my baby to sleep each night, I sang until I ended up falling asleep myself. I made sure to eat all I could whenever I felt hungry, and I made sure to take my medication just as the doctor had instructed. But for some reason I was still a skinny little thing, which I guess is good, but my best guess is that my depression is eating my life away inside. No matter how much I try, I just can't be happy. I needed him. We needed him.

Ryan, tried visiting everyday, just like all my other friends, but I made sure my parents would never let any of them up to see me. So instead, I'd receive flowers and letters everyday. Several coming from Ryan, and of course my Zaynie. God, I missed him.

Robin, my silly little thing was getting bigger. He no longer was a small fluffy puppy. The little thing had grown inches overnight. I swear one day I woke up and he was just as tall as I was. Talk about Samoyan dogs. But even though he came from Ryan, I couldn't be anymore thankful and blessed. He accompanied me everywhere, trotting behind me with every move I made, watching and protecting me from everyone. It's as if he knew everything. Which technically he did because I told him. Yes, I talk to my dog as well. Call me crazy. Sometimes, Robin would even sniff my stomach, barking in joy as he wagged his tail crazily.

"Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Ashley!! Happy Birthday to you!"

I groaned in my bed, as I squinted my eyes open at the sound of my family chanting the birthday song.

"Can't believe my little princess is eighteen now." I heard my dad say.

"She's growing up so fast isn't she honey. She's a young adult now. So innocent and beautiful." My mom said, as she grasped her hands near her heart, her eyes watering slightly.

Not so innocent.

Damn subconscious.

"Oh mom. Please don't cry!"

"Um, are you two forgetting your other beautiful daughter is here?" I heard Daphne scoff.

"Yea, but you're nineteen honey."

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