Fluff! Sero x Reader

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[Art by DanniJay on Twitter. Simps.]

[Today's reader is a black girl. Whatever hairstyle you want. I'm giving them some love! Also, I know it's been a while since I posted a chapter. I've been hella busy. Let's start.]



It was the first day of hero work. My partner, Sero, was goofing off as usual. My quirk is called Brain Fuzz. My mother had a scent quirk to make them feel calmer and help them pass out. While my father had a smoke quirk to incapacitate. They were more catch and take in. I got a mix of them.

A lot of people think I do drugs. I think they just smell Sero honestly. Because it sounds racist to me. Sero has asked me to smoke weed with him and Denki. I have. And that has brought us to this dilemma. I should not have smoked weed. BECAUSE I made out with Sero, while we were under the influence.

And Denki told him. I haven't spoken to either of them. It's so awkward and I can't separate from Sero either. We are partners. And our quirks work together. He captures them. And I incapacitate and calm them. [Hence the quirk. I feel like it works best. I did not mean to sound racist. If I did. Please forgive me.]

I just can't bring myself to start the fucking conversation. We are damn near adults.

"Y/N...  why did you kiss me?"

I looked over at him and sighed.

"Sero. I was under the influence. I don't remember what got into me." Yeah I did. Should have slapped myself afterwards.

Sero nodded slowly and scratched his cheek. "Well. It sounds stupid now. But, I thought about it after I got up. I was kind of hoping that you wanted to because you liked me. Not that you were stoned." He said softly and looked away from me.

How does one respond to a confession without sounding like you aren't desperate for someone you love. Love to know.

I bit my finger, [Like Eren Yeager.] "First. You need to calm down. Your freaking out." I said, watching the smoke from my wound flow towards Sero. "Secondly. I lied. Okay? It was like taking a deep breath of courage. I meant it. I got confident and kissed you. You kissed back though."

Sero nodded slowly. "I did. I figured that after Denki told me. But, if you really do mean it... does that mean I can finally take you so my cousins quinceanera next weekend... and teach you dances as dates?" He asked, I just stared at him.

"Are you serious?" I asked and rose a brow. Only to sigh at a nod. "Fine. If this is you asking me to be your girlfriend. Yeah."

Sero blushed lightly and smiled, putting up the glass on his helmet to hide his grinning face. "Thank you for accepting, Y/N." He said and patted my shoulder, before gripping it gently. "Not only will we dance in pretty outfits. But after your comfortable. Maybe we can dance between the sheets." He said and put the glass down on his helmet to shoot me a look.


[Thank you for reading! I'll be taking Sero x reader off the list and continue on!]

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