Bakugo Katsuki X Reader

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REQUESTED BY hella_died !!! Thank you for requestinggg!

Quirk- It is gonna be the same for every Katsuki Katsuki oneshot.

Katsuki had been recently thinking on who he should as to prom. Well, he didn't want to go to prom and was only going there because there was going to be food really.

But, Kirishima had convinced him to ask someone otherwise there was no actual point in going to prom.

So he sat in his seat and thought. Not Ochako Tsyu had already asked her. Not Momo, Jirou had asked three days ago.... he wasn't gonna ask invisa girl. He couldn't see her anyway.

That left one girl.

She definitely wasn't timid. Her [s/c] look soft and unblemished, her [h/l] [h/c] shined in the light over her head. Her [e/c] bored into his.

That, ladies and gentlemen, is [f/n] [l/n].

She is Bakugo Katsuki's crush since 3rd grade. She still had his heart.

He got a lot more sour towards her after his heart wrenched everytime she was near him, or he felt a stab though his heart when she talked to anyone but him.

He thought it was normal... until he read reports. Normal crushes only last a week or so. More than that is considered to be in love.

Just great for him right?

A girl stealing his heart from him and keeping it?



What he wanted.

He wanted her to have his heart. He didn't care if she tore it to shreds.

When the class decided to end. He immediately got up and started planning a way of asking her to prom.


>Readers pov<

I was walking into the school when Izuku had stopped me.

"[F/n]! Here!" He said and handed me a rose. It was red and black. I smiled, and looked closer. It had a tag on it.

'School roof.'

My eyebrows knit in confusion before I looked up to see that Izuku was gone.

I sighed and ran to the school roof top to see Tenya. He was holding a box of chocolate.

"Go to 1A to find your next clue." He said and I ran back downstairs with the biggest sigh ever.

Soon I went though the entire class. It was either letter, flowers or chocolate.

Aizawa smirked.

"Go under the cherry tree." He said and I heaved a sigh before running again.

When I arrived, I saw the only person who wasn't giving me things.

"I see you got the presents I set up." He said and I raised an eyebrow.

"Katsuki... what is all of this about?" I asked more or less annoyed that I had just ran around the school to cone face to face with a freaking pissed off headgehog.

"I wanted to ask you 2 things." He said and I gestured for him to continue.

"I guess we should get the one I've been meaning to ask outta the way first huh?" He said and I shrugged.

"Hurry up." Was all I responded with.

"Alright. [F/n]. I have liked you since 6th grade. You're nice, funny, outgoing, you have a sexy voice, a distracting temper, a great body, and enchanting eyes... I love everything about you... will you be my fucking girlfriend?" He asked softly and my eyes widened.

I cracked a small smile that grew into the biggest grin I have ever smiled.

"Yes! Of course you angry headghog!" I squealed and hugged him. He was taken aback by my actions, so I quickly pulled myself together and got off of him.

"Sorry!" I said and giggled nervously. "What's the other thing?"

He looked a bit more nervous.

"Would you maybe, possibly, go to prom with me?" He asked softly and I giggled.

"You get me all of this stuff. Make me run around UA to get it. And then ask me to be your girlfriend. Then prom. Katsuki. Yes... I'll go with you!" I squealed and kissed him quickly.

He kissed back obviously with a smile. His hands on my waist and my arms around his neck as our eyes closed.

He slowly pulled away. "I love you..." He whispered and looked as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders.

"I love you too... headgehog." I whispered back and he smiled. He relaxed a bit more and kissed my forehead.

I didn't realize how mad he could get until we heard clapping and Katsuki nearly blew up the entire class for being happy that he finally found someone who can deal with his mood swings.

Honestly, me and Aizawa were laughing so hard, knowing that Katsuki wouldn't go after the teacher whi can take away his quirk, or the girl he just asked out.


Okay. This one is finished! Thank you for requesting! I had a lot of fun making it. Except it was 4 30 am when I did make it. So it is probably crap. Sorry... but I tried my best. There will be an x author next. Feel free to request still,  I need things to do and I really don't mind writing for you guys. You guys can request lemons.



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