Dan's POV

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*time skip to 2 weeks later*

Our relationship had seemed to blossom and develop more every second we spent with each other. We'd shared a bed every night and despite their being no more than a forehead kiss goodnight, the intimate gesture was comforting. I'd enjoyed being wrapped up in his strong arms and waking every morning to his amazing bed hair and nightly refreshed face. I'd also came to appreciate the deep meaningful conversations we'd had and the reassurance he'd provided when I'd been questioning existence.

So far, I think the thing I'd loved the most is how our movie nights had changed so drastically. Previously, we'd edged awkwardly around each other when a little too much touching had occured and now we huddeled close togehter and attended to the other when they needed something. The TV always had to be loud enough to accomadate Phil's hearing but still quiet enough so when we got distracted and started talking we didn't have to reach for the remote and adjust the sound because we could still hear each other perfectly. And we'd both be wrapped up in the blanket but somehow I'd always end up yanking it off Phil and cacooning myself in it, not that he ever seemed to mind.


"Dan, what did you do?" Phil shouted in a state of panic.

"Nothing, it must have been you!" I shouted back.

Only seconds ago the lights had dimmed and every electrical appliance in the house had turned off simultaneously. Both of us, evidently, had immediately assumed it was the others fault, however the responses we each earned proved us both wrong.

"Not me!" Phil replied and I sighed heavily at the thought of an actual power cut.

How would I manage without my oh so beloved electronics. I guess I can make up for the lack with my oh so beloved Phil Lester.

He came clambering in the room with a sour expression and flailing his limbs in every direction. Letting out a large sigh he announced, "I was doing something important," and then allowed himself to slump onto the couch. I immediatly moved closer to him and threw my arms around him.

"Phiiiillll," I cooed in an attempt to get him to cheer up.

"Phil," I repeated constantly, "Phillip Lester."

"What do you want, Daniel Howell?" he snapped.

"You to stop being so grumpy. It's supposed to be the other way round with us."

Sighing, Phil eventually gave in and adjusted himself along the couch so his back was pressed right up against the back and his legs were lay straight. His arm was slung across the side and he gestured for me to lie next to him. I agreed, and allowed myself to be entangled in him once again. I felt his hand lift slightly before it was placed on my head and his fingers began caressing my hair in soothing motions.

We must have been lying there, completely motionless for about 20 without a single word passing through our lips. And just as my mind was forming words, I heard Phil say, "we didn't even check the fuse box."

"For fuck sake," I groaned and rolled off the couch completely,allowing myself to hit the ground.

"You're better at that sort of stuff," I moaned with my face half buried in the floor and moments later I was informed he'd listened as his tiny pattering footsteps were radiated through the floor.

Once he'd returned I'd managed to manoeuvre myself around to now be sitting cross legged in the middle of the lounge. It wasn't that comfortable but seemed easier with my lazy attitude than to pick myself up and sit properly.

"Nope, everything's fine on the fuses so I guess it's just our house," he announced.
I gestured for him to sit next to me on the floor but instead he perched himself on the edge of the couch and grabbed hold of my hand. He yanked and tried to pull me closer towards him and tried all sorts of ways in a failed attempt to get me up.

"Fine," he groaned in submission and slid himself off the couch and onto the floor next to me. He mirrored my position and joined our gazes.

"What are we supposed to do about the power? Do we ring a man because you'll have to converse with him when if we do as I hide," I pointed out.

"We'll think of that later," he said and he leaned forward and planted a kiss on my forehead before ruffeling my hair and then returning to his original sitting position.


For the rest of the night we sat (occasionaly changing our position once our legs felt awkward) and we spoke about utter nothingness for the rest of the night. It was a conversation of random thoughts and one that possessed no underlying meaning but to me it was special. It was like he shared every bit of himself with me. His odd daytime thoughts and his bizaree dreams. He shared his opinions on alien life and the exploration of the galaxies. We conversed on our childhood aspirations and ones we share to this day. We spoke about traveling the world and our appreciation for other cultures. We revealed our secret obsessions with managing to do something good in the world and making a change for the better.

Phil showed me pieces of himself in ways that he never had before. His smart intellect but also his wandering thoughts; his hope for greatness as well as his fear of failing; his wishes for the future paired with his worries of what's to come: they all added up to everything I admired in him.

It wasn't just his looks that had me swooning (although they did have a dramatic effect) but instead his capability to be so genuine, smart and kind. He truly was perfect in every way.

A/N-- okay so first I'd like to apologise for my absence and this shitty filler chapter but I promise I'll be back to normal soon. or at least as soon as possible. So basically the last few weeks just haven't really been very good so I just sorta put off everything, even the things I was supposed to enjoy but I'm getting back to normal so woo yeah everything's all good. I hope you enjoyed this and I hope you have a fabulous day/night. BYEEEE!!!

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