Dan's POV

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The sudden attack hug. Throwback to the sudden attack hug. The way he wrapped his arms around my waist sent chills up my spine and memories of the way we used to be round my head. The way his breathing hitched when our gazes locked. The way his leg went to move over mine but after the realisation of what he was doing overwhelmed him he slid it back down. Just after a few seconds we were back to normal. Prior to yesterday, if Phil had even done anything like that I would have backed away but I brushed it off as a friendly gesture.

I had pretended not to notice the whole almost kiss thing when it happened about 5 years ago- for fear of losing friendship. Nowadays it was practically all that had been in my mind.

It was the closest we'd ever been to a romantic embrace, obviously we'd hugged before but that was more friendship related rather than relationship. That was the first time I'd noticed-- the first time I'd admitted to myself that this particular pain in my chest was actually down to feelings not health. For a while I'd actually been so in-denial I'd debated actually going to the doctors about it but even subconsciously I knew that was ridiculous. There was only one thing that was causing this-- one person.

Denying my feeling for so long had left a pent up of emotion to eventually be spilled somehow. I used to drink a lot. Phil wasn't fully aware of this, he knew some nights I went out, got drunk as didn't come home but I usually told him I was either staying at a friends house or I met someone-- he automatically assumed I'd slept with someone and asked no more questions. However, this was not the truth. Usually I would have been kicked out of a bar at approximately 2am and leave completely alone. From there on I would continue to wallow in self-pity as I roamed the streets of London and either passed out next to a bus stop or on a park bench.

I had changed now though-- learnt to grow up and suck it up. If I can't have Phil to make me happy then dammit I will do everything to make his happy.

I was starting to see that actually working too, it was like I could actually see him smiling due to just being able to be himself now-- and that adorable hug was just the beginning.

Phil wouldn't have even dreamed of doing something like that a few months ago; he would have over thought it way too much and would have backed out of the idea but today he just did it and that was so cute to me.

Continuing to scroll through tumblr, I stopped on the occasional funny post and showed it to him, of which he would laugh in reply or make some sarcastic comment. Even phan shippers post were not hurriedly ignored; he thought I didn't notice him ready every text post over my shoulder. I saw his eyes flicker over the text and glint as he read the entirety of the text. This gave me a funny feeling-- not a bad one though. A one where you can actually feel the butterflies swooping around in you belly, doing flips and turns and batting their wings; a feeling where you notice the huge grin on your face before you notice why it's actually there; my head felt light as the chemical reactions in my brain spiralled together and linked interweaving ideas and they all came down to one thing. It was all because of Phil.... and he could never know. Ruining our friendship was not the route I fancied going down so until he makes the first move (if he ever makes a move) I'm standing my ground .

"Do you fancy something to eat?" Phil's cheery voice chirped up loudly, making me jump a little.

This obviously didn't go well with my hangover-- of which so far I'd chosen to ignore and Phil hadn't showed many signs of. I was hoping that the effects wouldn't kick massively later in the day, I need to get the pain out of the way so I'm acceptable to go on live radio but 7. But something told me that was nearing impossible.

A/N-- I know this is short but it's just sort of Phan feels from dan's POV and it's more just a filler than a plot development. I never really know what to say in these but this time THANK YOU FOR 2k READS. IT MADE ME SO HAPPY TO SEE :) :) I'm glad ya'll are enjoying this fic-- I just said ya'll when I'm actually British haha don't care. ok this is turning into a ramble ok like comment share, do whatever you want. BYEEE

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