31. Machetes

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When you asked Castiel about the Fates he looked concerned, but he eventually decided to tell you what he knew. You grabbed a blank notebook from Bobby's desk and started to write down what he said.

For a long time only one of the Fates had been truly active in the world. She had been given her orders from God a long time ago and continued to carry them out. She was simply Fate, the most orderly of the three. The other two, her sisters, only got involved in times of greatness, be it great destruction or great creation. They were somewhat chaotic. On one side of Fate is Aine, with the power to promote or remove kings, to orchestrate love, and to distribute prosperity and peace. She has been known to guard over certain important people, appearing as a songbird. On the other side is Morrigan, with the power to start and end wars, foretell doom, and drive people to fear-induced madness. Those who have seen her often recall a crow.

After their descriptions, which seemed much more first-hand than you had anticipated, Cas paused. He thought for a moment and then continued.

"When Sam and Dean stopped the apocalypse, the world order was no more. Everything Fate had been told to follow and to do did not matter. They were... upset. And then when I..." Cas trailed off, apparently unable to put into words what he had been doing. "It was all they could take," he continued. "'The last straw' I think you would say."

"So they're mad at you, and they're mad at Sam and Dean," you thought aloud. "And Fate seemed pretty pissed at me for just being here."

Cas nodded. "I believe she might have called on her sisters for help. She may think that getting rid of us could restore the world to order, or bring it closer."

"Why haven't they done it already? If the idea is to get rid of us, they could have a long time ago. Even Gabriel said he doesn't think he can stop them." You glanced at Gabriel, who was wearing a frown for once.

"I don't know," Cas shook his head.

"Morrigan and Aine haven't gotten their hands dirty in a long time," Gabriel crossed his arms. "Maybe they're coming up with something less... direct."

You shrugged. Beats me.


You didn't see the brothers until breakfast the next morning. Dean had sat long enough to eat his breakfast and listen to what you had learned from Cas about the Fates before running out to the garage again. The rest of you ate more slowly. It seemed that Cas was doing much better than the day before. It was decided that he would take a look at Sam's head and see what he could do, or how long it might take. Bobby left the table and set himself to doing some more research on the Fates. You noticed he was more quiet than usual. You were left at the table with Sam.

"You're ready to let Cas poke around in your head?" you asked him gently.

"No," he answered with a smile, "but the alternative is to keep going on like this." You noticed he was messing with the scar on his palm. You wondered what was tormenting him now, in Bobby's kitchen.

"Yeah," you tried to smile back.

"You said it yourself- he's going to fix it," he reassured you.

"Right," you agreed. "But just know that if he scrambles your brains I'll have Gabriel smite the crap out of him."

Sam laughed. "Deal."

Later that morning you stood in the guest bedroom with Sam, Cas, Gabriel, and Dean. Dean hadn't been happy when Sam told him what was going to happen, but he also wanted his brother fixed. You insisted that Sam have the guest room while they were working on him. As Sam laid on the bed and each angel stood on either side of him you figured you made the right choice. This would have been even more awkward on the couch.

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