21. False Idols

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You felt coarse rope being wrapped around your wrists, which were stuck behind you. Your head pounded lightly as your senses came back. Your arms were wrapped around cold metal. The rope was tightened until it cut off most of your circulation and then adjusted slightly before it stopped moving. You opened your eyes and found an empty warehouse. The windows were painted over, but some were broken, and the door was across the concrete floor on the other side of the building. You heard something shift behind you and then Dean stepped into view.

"There. Comfy?"

Your head rolled a little as you tried to look up at him. "Where am I?" you asked.

He stepped closer to you and crouched down. You pulled your legs close to you, trying to keep space between the two of you.

"Doesn't matter," he said. "It's interesting, being inside the mind of a hunter. There's more going on in here than I thought," he pointed to his temple with a grin. "For instance, he's worried about his brother. There's always something wrong with Sam, right? And Castiel- he doesn't know what to make of him right now. Then there's you..." He leaned forward close to your face, his eyes glancing around your features.

You turned your head to the side, trying to get as far away as possible. What you saw almost made you gag. You were close to the wall on this side. A table sat under one of the windows and you were too low to see what was on it, but beside that, almost within arm's reach, was a small pile of bodies. Blood pooled around it before running to a drain in the floor.

"Oh, God," you turned away from that and were met with Dean's face inches from your own. "Get away from me!" You brought your knee up and it met his chest. It hurt him, you watched his face contort in pain as he pulled back, but you don't think you did much damage.

"Rude," he said, standing back up and then kicking you in the gut. You coughed, trying to regain your breath.

"I told you to grab one of the brothers. Idiot. Don't talk to her." From behind you again, a woman walked out and into view. Though you had only seen her briefly you recognized her face from the barbecue. She had been sitting at one of the other picnic tables.

"Come on," not-Dean said with a smile. "It's fun."

"She's with the hunters, remember? Don't talk to her."

"Fine," Dean frowned and stepped back further.

The woman walked up to you and looked you over.

"Who are these people? Why did you kill them?" you asked.  You couldn't get the image out of your mind.

She eyed you but turned to her partner. "Go ahead."

"They're fans," he smirked. "So I bring them here. Now they can fawn over us forever."

"And then we take all of their money," the woman added.

"Great, narcissists," you frowned.

"Please," the woman frowned. "Everyone has someone they look up to. Idolize. I know you have at least a little bit of that for this guy." She pointed to not-Dean with a smirk.

"And he's got... Robert Singer and... Batman," not-Dean said.

You grunted weakly, despite the pounding in your head. "So, what? You dress up like Batman and go after Dean?"

"As intriguing as that sounds, no, I have other plans." She turned and walked behind you. After a moment you heard some fumbling and then a copy of you walked into view. You were dirty and scraped up. Your hair was matted in spots with blood. You stared and the blood drained from your face. "They'll know it's not me," you said weakly.

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