6. I See Monsters

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You were at that bar with Dean, where you had first met the werewolves, but this time you were playing pool with Dean. He had already beat you twice, but your level of awful was enough to keep things interesting and make you lucky sometimes so he hadn't gotten bored, yet.

"Hold on, I need another beer," you laughed at your last terrible try and turned to walk over to the bar.

Halfway there someone grabbed your arm and tugged hard. You fell on your back side and realized that you were surrounded by woods. These were the same woods that you had lured Blake into.

"Now that we're alone," Blake had already transformed into a beast and his voice was more growl than comprehensible words, "it's time we got... intimate." His teeth glistened in the moonlight and the nails on the hand he was holding above you seemed to get longer and sharper.

You tried to crawl backwards and away from him, but the roots of the trees tripped up your wrists and ankles. Blake pulled back and howled before bringing his arm down in a large swipe.

Bright light filled your vision and you pulled the arms you had been using to try to block Blake's attack closer to your face. Slowly, your eyes adjusted and you recognized the garden you were in.

"You have quite the imagination," Joshua smiled down at you. "I bet you're glad we pulled you from it." He held a hand down to you and helped you up.

You cleared your throat. That nightmare felt like phlegm in your throat. It sat in your chest weird.

"It is time to answer one of your questions," Joshua told you, leading you through the maze of garden paths. "Here," he gestured to an open path towards an arch wreathed in butterfly bushes.

You stepped through and watched Bobby from behind his desk.

"I've got a name. Mother of All," he said.

The image flashed and there was the young brunette woman floating up out of a volcano.

"We have so much to do. Let's get started," she smirked.

New images flashed again, and again, and again. You watched as the same woman talked to a group of men standing around in an alley behind a bar before she suddenly bit the man closest to her, blood running from her mouth and the wound. Another flash. You saw her talking with the boys that you had just dealt with. She spoke with Blake before he extended his wrist and the others hesitantly followed suit. She bit each of them and the image flashed away. Next she was talking with a handful of people leaving a restaurant late at night. As she put a hand on each of them they fell to their knees in pain and you watched them shed their skin. The image flashed again and revealed a couple at a gas station. She whispered something into their ears and their eyes went dead. You saw their images blink into a decrepit version of themselves. You saw this happen another time with another couple and then the images came faster. This woman was turning people into monsters wherever she went. The last thing you saw was her whispering into the ear of a truck driver.

Your eyes hurt as you turned back around. Your head pulsed with pain.

"Your Father has shown you these things so that you would share it with the right people. This is your duty, your service for Him. This is why he created you to be you."


The next morning you woke up to the sound of something roughly being unfolded. You blinked at the light that was coming in through the window and sat up so that you could look around. Bobby stood over a map at the kitchen table. He glanced up as he heard you move but turned right back to the map. Dean was still in the other bed, though Sam was nowhere to be seen. You grabbed your duffle bag and shuffled sleepily to the bathroom so that you could get ready for the day.

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