48. The Obstacle Course of Life

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"What do you mean?" There was a heavy amount of confusion in Sam's voice.

"Chuck, author of the Supernatural series, self-proclaimed prophet, is God. He lied."

"How do you know?" Dean asked you.

"I just had a conversation with him." You took another drink as your throat grew dry.

"You talked to God?" Dean asked.

You nodded. "It was... not a fun conversation."

"What did he say?" Cas asked. His brow was furrowed when you met his eyes.

"Um," you tried to collect your thoughts. As you recalled the conversation, you felt the same anger rising in you and tried to push it down. You cleared your throat, then answered, "He told me to tell everyone that they shouldn't look for Him. He doesn't want to be found. Also, He knows exactly what's been going on because He's been in control of all of it." You gripped the glass in your hand tightly. "It's all His story that He's written, I guess."

Everyone was quiet.

"He is not the God we were told we were serving," Cas finally said, looking deflated and tired.

"Yeah, well," you sighed, "He's a jerk."

Another quiet moment passed.

"Alright, whatever," Dean shifted from foot to foot. "We can process that later. For now I think we need to appreciate the fact that no one is actively trying to kill us." He turned to you, "You should get some rest. We'll let you sleep."

"Wait, what about Naomi? If I sleep..." you asked quickly as they started to shuffle towards the door.

"I don't think we'll hear from her again," Cas told you and then turned to leave the room.

"Wait," you said, urgency creeping into your voice. All three turned to look at you. You sucked in a breath and then said, "I'd rather not be alone."

"Okay," Sam responded easily, a soft smile on his face. There was no judgment. "It's the least I can do after all those times you stopped my nightmares."

You smiled back, relieved. "Thanks."

The other two left and you settled back onto the pillows.

"I'm sorry," you said nervously. "I should be fine- I'm exhausted, but it's just..."

"Always there, in the back of your mind," Sam finished your thought, sitting in the armchair by the bed. "Don't worry about it."

"Has it ever... gone away for you?" you played with your fingers in your lap.

You saw Sam shake his head from the corner of your eye. "There have been a few days when I haven't even thought about it, but that's not often."

You took a deep breath. "I hope Gabe's alright."

"Yeah, Cas said he was pretty upset." Sam was quiet for a moment, and then said, "I could tell you a story."

The corners of your mouth lifted and you turned your head to look at him. "Like a bedtime story?"

He shrugged. "Sure, why not?"

You laughed lightly. "Okay. What kind of story?"

"What do you want to hear?"

"A funny story."

Sam hummed in thought and then chuckled. "Alright, I've got one. So Dean and I were on a hunt, and we were trying to get information. We had to go to this bar and Dean..." He told you a story about how Dean had been challenged to a drink off by a local, who would answer a question for each drink they put down. Apparently it was a small town and they didn't like to talk. They didn't have much for entertainment either. He was in the middle when you started to doze off.

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