13. The Hunt is On

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After almost fainting when you stood from your chair, the boys had gotten you to the couch where you were told to stay until you felt better. You weren't sure how long it took a soul to recharge, but it didn't feel like it was happening any time soon. Your stomach rumbled as everyone was staring at you with concern and you put your arms around your abdomen as a small blush made its way across your face.

"I guess you could say she needs some... soul food," Dean grinned and looked around for another person to enjoy his joke, but you were the only one to laugh and it came out more like a weak hiccup.

"I could scrounge up some food," Bobby said, moving toward the kitchen.

"I'll help ya, Bobby," Sam said before turning to his brother. "Right after I take all of this off," he gestured to his now dirty white, embroidered western button up while looking pointedly at Dean.

"It's authentic," Dean shot at him.

"They didn't even know what that... thing was," Sam gestured at the blanket Dean was wearing.

"It's a sarape!" he argued, but relented and walked toward the kitchen.

You laughed as the brothers left the room, Sam aggressively undoing the buttons on his shirt and Dean throwing his cowboy hat on a side table. This left you and Cas alone.

The angel turned to you and said, "[Name], I am grateful for your help."

"You're welcome, Castiel. I'm just glad you were able to bring them back and that you're feeling better," you gestured to his side where the wound seemed to have healed.

Cas glanced down at his abdomen. "Yes, the soul is a powerful form of energy," he nodded.

Deciding to take a leap of faith, you looked back over at Cas with your eyebrows knitted together in concern and said, "Ya know, you can talk to them about whatever you have going on in Heaven. It's frustrating for them when you just take off all the time without saying anything. They just want to help, and to know that you're okay."

The angel seemed caught off guard for a moment though the only sign was his silence and slightly wider eyes. Then you watched the sides of his mouth turn down in a small frown and he nodded. "Yes, I know."

Sam walked back into the room with a normal plaid shirt on and made his way into the kitchen. You looked back over at where Cas was, but he was gone.

"[Name], I hope you like mac'n'cheese," Bobby called to you.

"I do," you answered, drawing your eyes away from the empty spot Cas had been filling in the room. "Who doesn't like mac'n'cheese?"

Dean shrugged as he walked back into the room. He grabbed the glass bottle full of phoenix ash from where they had left it on Bobby's desk and announced, "I'm going to see if I can make us some ammo. That should take the bitch down."

"Don't forget, Dean," Bobby told him from the stove. "Limited supply."

"I got it," Dean headed toward the door to the basement. "Don't fuck up."

After he disappeared, Sam reappeared with a beer in his hand. He sat on the end of the couch by your feet and sighed heavily.

"I take it the Wild West wasn't exactly what Dean imagined it was?" you asked him.

Sam laughed once before sipping from the beer bottle. "I think he had a... cleaner picture in his head."

You wrinkled your nose. "Prostitutes or horse poop?"

"Both," Sam smiled over at you.

"Eughaha," you laughed as you made a disgusted face.

"Glad to be back," Sam said. "Thanks for, uh, fueling Cas, by the way."

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