24. What's in Prosperity, Indiana?

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You left the panic room exhausted. You went upstairs and your shoes crunched on broken glass almost everywhere you walked. You knew you were hungry, but you were too tired to eat. You landed on the couch, listening to the hunters rummage around and check to see if the demons took or left anything. They didn't find anything. One tired look from you and Gabriel fixed Bobby's house back up. He snapped his fingers and it was back to normal. Bobby had grumbled about making sure everything was where it was supposed to be, but you knew he was secretly grateful. After it all, everyone gathered in the living room. You had lain down by now, but the brothers lifted your legs to sit underneath. Gabriel stood in the corner of the room. He kept his arms crossed against his chest. Bobby leaned against his desk.

"I can't figure out how Crowley found out," Bobby said with a shake of his head.

"Maybe Cas told him," Dean said, sounding annoyed and tired.

"No, he wouldn't do that," Sam argued. "In the end he betrayed Crowley. Why would he tell him about [Name]?"

Dean shrugged. "Just to screw with us."

You sighed. "It wasn't Cas."

"Then who was it?" Bobby asked. "No one else knew."

You had a thought and you got that feeling in your gut, the one that meant you needed to say something. You groaned and put a hand over your face.

"What?" Sam asked.

"There was someone else. Fate."

"Fate?" Dean asked.

You nodded. "Or Atropos or whatever. She was there with Cas and she was real upset. Not too happy with you two, either. But she told me I wasn't supposed to be here."

"So Fate told the demons...?" Dean asked.

"Or one of her sisters," Gabriel reasoned. "Either way, not good."

"Did you finish translating that book?" Bobby asked you.

"No," you told him. You moved to stand up and go get what you and Gabriel had translated, but Bobby stopped you.

"Hold on. You need to get some rest."

"Okay," you agreed easily, rubbing your eyes with a yawn. You put your hand on Sam's knee next to you and used it to stand up. "Everyone else is going to bed, right?" you asked Bobby.

He nodded.

You nodded and then started walking toward the guest room. Gabriel moved to follow you.

"Where do you think you're going?" Bobby asked him.

"I was going to go guard my prophet," he said, pointing to the room you were about to disappear into.

"You can do that from out here," you heard Dean tell him.

You opened the door and stepped inside before quietly shutting the door behind you. Your eyes were already closed as you wandered over to the bed and climbed under the sheets. You didn't bother to change. You didn't have the energy. You heard footsteps and then the bed sunk down on the other side. You rolled over and opened your eyes to find Gabriel lying next to you, on top of the covers.

"I thought they told you to stay out," you mumbled tiredly, not caring enough to lift your head out of the pillow.

"I'm out there," he pointed to the door, "and in here."

"Well, don't just sit there and watch me. That's creepy, Edward Cullen."

"I won't," he told you. "I'm resting my eyes."

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