8. Worms and Words

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You heard the saw start up in the other room and wrinkled your nose. Sure, that stuff didn't scare you, but that didn't mean that you liked it.

Before you could hear any cutting, though, there were some crashes. The brothers looked at you and you looked back at them before you all ran towards the locker room. You rounded the corner just in time to see Samuel jam something into the door handles on the other side. He looked pretty alive for a dead man. He stared at Sam and Dean from behind the grated window before Rufus came up behind him and spun him around. Rufus' fist met his face, but Samuel returned the favor easily, knocking Rufus back.

"You shot him in the head!" you turned to Sam.

"Dean," Sam called his brother and turned so that his brother could take off the zip ties.

"Holy shit," you breathed as a punch from Samuel sent Rufus flying into the wall of lockers.

Dean cut Sam's hands free and then yours. The brothers started kicking at the door simultaneously, trying to break their way through.

You watched Bobby come up behind Samuel and throw him into a nearby pole. It happened to be the same one the saw had been plugged into and sparks flew as he hit. Bobby, who still had a hold on Samuel's jacket, was thrown back and slammed into the other pole while Samuel's body was rocked with electric current. As he fried, a green slug crawled out of his ear and down his body. Samuel fell to the ground and all but the emergency lights went out.

The brothers looked at each other and gave the door another kick. It flung open, wood shattering, and the three of you rushed in. Dean knelt by Rufus and Sam attempted to help Bobby, who startled back to life.

Rufus stood with Dean's hand on his arm. "This can't be my afterlife 'cause the three of you are here." He huffed and looked around the room. "What happened?"

"When we left he was dead on the table," Sam answered, looking over at Samuel's body.

"Yeah, 'til he wasn't," Bobby added.

"So how did he get double-dead?" Rufus asked, leaning back against the lockers and trying to catch his breath.

You eyed the body as it sat up against the pole and looked around for any signs of whatever had crawled out of his ear.

"Bobby threw him against that," Dean pointed at the outlet, "I guess it was a live wire. It shorted and he went ape. Then that thing crawled out of his ear."

"At least we know what tickles it," Bobby said. "Electricity."

"Yeah," Sam looked around the room. "Now the question is where'd it go? Did you see?" He looked at you and Dean. You shook your head and Dean answered with a no. Sam continued, pointing at Bobby and Rufus, "You two were down for the count."

"Well," Dean glanced at Bobby and Rufus, "Either it bailed, or it's in either one of you."

Bobby and Rufus looked at each other before Rufus argued, "Or it's in one of you."

"No, we were awake," Dean argued back.

"Did you have eyes on each other?" Rufus asked.

"Yes," Dean answered as you nodded.

"One hundred percent of the time?" Rufus added.

Dean glanced between you and Sam and opened his mouth but no words came out. He looked back at Rufus. "Define a hundred."

Rufus nodded. "Like I said."

"Alright, how about a check for goo, right?" Sam suggested.

Everyone stuck their fingers in their ears and wiggled them around. When everyone revealed clean fingers, Bobby looked around the room and said, "Might just be gone."

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