27. Octovamp (AKA Vamptopus)

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As the Impala pulled up to the motel, you remembered you hadn't eaten dinner. "Anyone else hungry?" you asked as you got out of the car.

"There's half a pie in the fridge," Dean told you.

"I don't think she wants pie for dinner, Dean," Sam laughed.

You shrugged. "If no one else is hungry I'll eat pie."

"Sounds like a plan," Dean held the door open and grinned at his brother as he walked in. Sam rolled his eyes.

"You already ate half of it," you told Dean. "You're still hungry?"

"Sure," Dean shrugged. "Getting thrown around gives me an appetite."

"Just so we all agree, talking to the witches was a terrible idea, right?" You headed toward the mini fridge with a smile.

"Yes! Thank you!" Dean agreed wholeheartedly and glanced back at his brother.

"It's all we had at the time," Sam defended.

"Well, it sucked," Dean told him

"I'm showering." Sam shook his head and disappeared into the bathroom.

You took the box of pie out of the fridge and set it on the small counter. After opening the lid you stared at it for a moment. "How are we supposed to eat it?"

Dean paused in thought before his eyes caught the little coffee machine in the corner. He grinned and grabbed two plastic spoons from inside of the small stack of styrofoam cups. He handed one to you.

"Thanks." You took it from him and tore the plastic off of it. Dean stuck his spoon into one side of the pie arbitrarily and you laughed.

"What?" he asked.

You rolled your eyes and took the pie over to the coffee table in front of the two arm chairs. "Anything on TV?" you asked as you picked up the remote. You took a seat in one of the chairs and Dean took the other.

You flipped through channels aimlessly and eventually gave up. You left it on a local channel and dug your spoon into the pie in front of you. The anchor talked about the 'accident' at the charity event. "Those witches were crazy," you said between bites.

"Yeah," Dean nodded, "I guess that's what 800 years'll do to you."

"I mean, what if they just lived so long and saw so many people die, that killing anyone lost meaning. Would explain why it was so easy for them."

"800 is way too long," Dean told you. "If I hit three-quarters of a century I'll be alright ending it."

"There are people that live to be over 100," you countered.

Dean frowned. "Not hunters. And by that point your body is useless and your brain is all... confused."

You rolled your eyes. "Well, when you eat pie for dinner and drink non-stop..."

"Shuddup," Dean told you, taking another bite and eyeing you pointedly.

You laughed as Sam walked out of the bathroom.

The news moved on to talk about the local animal shelter and pictures of dogs started moving across the screen. You pointed at a large dog with long shaggy hair and said, "Look, Sam, it's you."

"Ha ha," Sam rolled his eyes.

Dean held in a laugh.

You yawned and stood up to throw away your plastic spoon, leaving the rest of the pie for Dean.

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