47. A Link to the Divine

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You sat on the edge of the bed in a dark bedroom.  The sconces over the bed were on, but now that the shades were drawn that was the only source of light.  Gabriel stood next to you and Cas stood against the wall across from the door.  Sam joined his brother by the doorway when he was done with the shades.

Dean tried to convince you not to go through with it.  You argued a little, but it was clear you wouldn't budge.  He had been frowning with his arms crossed ever since.

"Ready?" Gabriel asked.

You nodded.

"Alright, boys.  Unless you want your faces melted off, it's time to leave the room."

"Come on, Dean," Sam called to his brother and they both left, one more reluctantly than the other. 

You tried to think of something reassuring to say to them as they walked out but nothing came to mind.  Instead, you offered Dean a smile.  His scowl grew.

They shut the door and you let out a sigh.

"Contacting girlboss," Gabe said.

There was the sound of fluttering wings and then Naomi stood by the windows, flanked on either side by another angel.  "You're ready to begin?" she skipped a greeting.

Gabe nodded.

"Good." She stepped forward so that she stood next to Gabe.

Gabe took a deep breath.  He turned to Cas and nodded.  Cas returned the gesture.  He reached his arms out and flexed his fists, then opened his palms, looking down at his hands.  Then he turned to you. 

"I'm sorry," he said softly as he reached out. 

Naomi put a hand forward, palm open toward you.  Gabe's hand was aimed for your sternum, but just before it could make contact you felt white hot pain all over.

You cried out as your vision went white with red stars dancing around.  You couldn't feel your body anymore.  All you could feel was a tangled mass of nerves firing.  You didn't think you could take it.  It was consuming you.  You felt lighter and lighter, until...


Cas watched as the room filled with white light and heat.  Arcs of color moved around like the effect of a crystal chandelier in sunlight.  His angel eyesight took a moment to adjust and when they did you were still screaming in pain.  His eyes turned towards the windows, but Naomi's lackeys were gone.  His body tensed as he looked around and found the door to the room open.

"Gabriel!" Cas shouted as he started moving forward.

The archangel did not show any sign of hearing him.  Both he and Naomi were locked in place, transfixed by the source of the light.

"Damn them!" Cas shouted running forward.  He pulled his angel blade from his sleeve.  In the hallway he shouted, "Dean!  Sam!"  The light filled the hallway, making the living room on the other end look dark and washed out.  Running in, he found the Winchesters attempting to fight off the angels, but they were blinded by the light in the hallway.

Cas quickly jumped into the fray.  He blocked a swipe from the closest angel as it arced towards Dean.  He positioned himself in between and caught a stab with his own blade, then shoved.  The angel stumbled back at the force.

"Cas?" Dean called out, hand over his eyes.

"It's me," Cas responded gruffly, swinging at the angel.  "Keep your eyes closed or you'll go blind."

The angel dodged the attack, spun, and attempted to cut Cas across his side.  Cas threw his arm down at the other angel's hand and successfully rammed the blunt end of his blade on the angel's fingers.  The angel's weapon clattered to the floor and he growled angrily.  Cas shoved the angel and he stumbled back again, then he drove his blade into the angel's chest.  More light exploded from the angel's eyes and mouth before he collapsed. 

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