37. Do You Want To Talk?

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 "--a little time. She's just starting to act like herself again."

You popped back into Bobby's house with the angels and broke into the hunters' conversation. Sam was talking to Bobby.

"Something I can help with?" you asked.

The three of them turned around, surprised.

"We were just telling Bobby that you don't have to talk about anything if you don't want to." Dean was talking to you, but looking pointedly at Bobby.

Bobby rolled his eyes at Dean's dramatics. "Look, I don't need you to get specific, but if you told Crowley something we need to know."

"Right," you chewed on your bottom lip and tried to think about how you were going to tell them. "He had this book. Uh, I saw it before in a dream- that's how I knew that I shouldn't read it- that he shouldn't know what was inside it. Well, and the creepy-gross vibe it gave off. Anyway, he couldn't read it, so he wanted me to do it."

"Could you read it?" Bobby asked.

You nodded. "It was difficult, but I could make out what it was saying. The front of the book said, 'This book holds the power of sin. This book holds the power of and power over Lucifer." You recited from memory, ignoring the shiver it sent through you. "He wanted me to find the spell that brought Lucifer out and then controlled him."

"The Devil's Grimoire," Gabriel said.

"That hasn't been seen in thousands of years," Cas told you.

"He had it. Uh," you looked out the window above the sink, avoiding their eyes as you continued, "he was going to kill Jenny, so I lied. I gave him a fake spell. Didn't take him long to figure that out, though. If I-" you shook a little as your mind took you back to that place, "If I didn't give it to him he was going to kill Jenny. He made me write it down. But I gave him the wrong spell and I was only part of the way through the incantation when you guys broke in." You looked down at the carpet. "He has most of it. I'm sure he'll figure out how to translate the rest from that, or find someone else who can."

"You did the best you could."

You looked up at Bobby.

"It's not your fault. He would've gotten it out of you one way or another."

You nodded.

"Can you remember the spell? What spell did you give him?" Bobby asked.

You smiled ironically. "I don't think I'll ever forget."

Bobby moved around you and grabbed a pen and notepad. He held it out to you.

"I don't think that's a good idea," you told him. "This is heavy stuff. If we all know he could piece it together from any of us."

"We need to know what he's looking for," Bobby told you.

You sighed and took the notepad. "The spell I gave him was to free the seven deadly sins. I figured they're just demons so they'd be easier to put back. At least, easier than the devil... I'm not writing down the incantations." You took a seat on the couch and set the notepad in your lap. Quickly, you scribbled down the spell. When you were done you held it out for Bobby.

He took it from you and looked it over. "Seems pretty... simple."

"Maybe that's why it was written in an unknown language," you sighed.

"Gold, silver, killing during... fornication," Bobby read.

"Hey, I didn't make the spell! I just translated." You held your hands up.

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