57. Drunken Truths

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You realized as you got into the passenger seat that it was one of the first times you'd be sitting there. Sam was right, it was more comfortable than the back.

"So, uh, how was my driving?" you asked, fiddling with one of your fingernails to avoid looking at Dean.

You could hear the smirk on Dean's face. "You did just fine."

You looked over at him.

"A little slow..." he added and glanced over at you.

You huffed, "I was being careful."

Dean chuckled a little, shifted gears, and then sped down a straight-away. "Next time you don't have to be careful."

There was nothing inherently dirty about what Dean said, but you found yourself blushing and turning away to look out the window.

Dean had to lockpick his way into the pawn shop. You walked by a variety of old beer mirrors, furniture, and VHS tapes until you found a small collection of blades in a back corner. There were only two swords. One looked like a replica of something from the civil war. The other...

"I can't believe we found a samurai sword in Junction City, Kansas," you said, glancing at Dean.

He smiled and shook his head once as if to say he had no idea how it worked out either. "It's amazing what people will leave in pawn shops."

You grabbed the sword and followed Dean out of the store. He drove you back to the restaurant, where the same chef agreed to come out back and give the sword a shinto blessing, which looked like the chef speaking in Japanese you couldn't understand while Dean poured a water bottle over the blade. You stood awkwardly to the side trying not to laugh. Dean paid him again, and then his cell rang.

"Hey, Garth," he answered. "Woah, slow down!" Dean glanced at you. "...Are you drunk? ...Garth?" Dean looked exasperated as he shouted into the phone. "You dropped the phone, didn't you? Hello? GARTH!"

You jumped as Dean full-force shouted into the receiver.

"Where the hell are you?" Dean asked. "Garth?" Dean listened for a moment, then hung up. "Son of a bitch."

"What?" you asked, eyeing him and the phone with concern.

"Garth talked to Baxter when he woke up. Apparently he had a kid with his secretary and the kid's working the night shift at the brewery right now. So is the shojo."

"We have to go to the brewery," you agreed.

On the way, you called Sam.

"Hey," Sam answered.

"Hey, you gotta get to the brewery. The shojo is there hunting Baxter's affair child."

You heard Sam cough on the other end, as if he choked on his drink.

"Can you drive?" you asked.

"Uh..." Sam's voice came through.

You took in a breath. "You'll have to find a taxi or something. Meet us there as fast as you can."


You hung up, then turned to Dean. "Where's that flask?"

"What?" he asked.

"Gotta be drunk to see it, right? Where's your flask?"

Dean dug around in his pocket before he handed you the flask. You took a deep breath as you unscrewed the lid, and then you downed half of it. It burned so hot down your throat you felt your eyes watering. You coughed as you pulled the flask from your mouth, then covered your mouth with the crease of your elbow and coughed some more.

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