12. Cowboys and Timelines

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Everyone scattered as they looked for helpful information on Eve's weaknesses. Bobby started at one end of the lockers and you walked over to the other. Sam and Dean turned to the other side of the room.

The books seemed organized into categories of monsters, similar to the way you had seen Bobby's before it had been picked through. You found a lot of information on werewolves and wendigos, so you also assumed that the lockers ran alphabetically.

"Wow," you said as you pulled out a handwritten journal and flipped through it. The language and script looked like late 1800s. "I think I could look through these for hours."

"Let's hope it doesn't take that long," Bobby said.

You weren't sure how long it took but you eventually met Bobby in the middle of the shelves. Your feet were starting to ache from standing somewhat still for so long. You crouched to investigate the lowest shelf.

Bobby pulled a tall brown book off a middle shelf and flipped through it. He stopped and after a moment announced, "Bingo."

He walked over to the table and you looked at the cubby he had pulled the book from. There were only a handful of books in it. You grabbed the rest and carried them over so that you could go through them.

"What d'ya got?" Dean asked.

"Not sure, yet, but it looks right."

You went through your little pile and put two books back before sitting down with three to look through. Sam and Dean, having found nothing, walked over and took the two that you weren't looking at. Bobby grabbed a notebook and pencil off a desk before attempting to translate the book in his hands. You all sat around the table.

"Either of you jokers ever heard anything about a phoenix?" Bobby addressed the brothers.

Sam shook his head while Dean asked, "River, Joaquin, or the giant flaming bird?"

Sam chuckled at Dean's response.

"It says here that the ashes of a phoenix can burn the Mother," Bobby continued.

"The Mother?" Sam repeated.

"Great. Where do we get one?" Dean grinned.

"You got me. I thought it was a myth," Bobby shrugged.

"Alright, well, let's see if we can find something out about a phoenix," Sam sighed, glancing around the room.

You finished the book you had grabbed and turned back to look for another one. There had been nothing on phoenixes, but you had learned some interesting things about Phoenix, Arizona. There were no windows or clocks down here, but it must've been getting late. You could feel your head getting heavy as you stared at more words. The room was quiet except for the sounds of pages turning and note scribbling. You willed your eyes to stay open, but they wouldn't obey you.

"Hello, [Name]."

You looked up at Joshua as he walked over to you. You were sitting on a park bench, surrounded by greenery and butterflies.

"Okay, I have so many questions," you stared up at him.

Joshua laughed, a graceful and pleasant sound. "I know. I can do my best to answer them." He sat down next to you.

"How young was I when this started?"

"The first time you were here, you were two years old."

You huffed. "Why is a two year old a prophet? How does that help anything?"

Supernatural [Reader Insert]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora