11. The Family Business

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"You're telling me my dad was a hunter?" you asked incredulously. "There's no way. He hates all of this- this..." You gestured around the room at the lore and the weapons and the alcohol. "He'd never..."

"I don't know about you," Bobby said, uncrossing his arms, "but if I'm running from something like he was, I don't pick it back up."

You clenched your teeth and looked down at your hands in your lap. You tried to collect your thoughts. "Demons—" you cleared your throat after it cracked and tried again. "Demons killed my mom?" You glanced up at Bobby and he nodded, his face full of sympathy.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Sam asked him.

"Because," Bobby scowled at him. "I had no way of knowin'."

"You must've guessed," Dean argued.

"Sure," Bobby agreed, rounding his desk to fall into the chair behind it. "But that's not somethin' you drop on someone unless you're dead sure."

You fiddled with your fingers, anything to keep moving. Feeling a breakdown coming, you stood. "I- uh... excuse me." You ignored whatever they called after you as you fled to the bathroom. You shut the door behind you, slamming it in your rush. You were starting to hyperventilate and you felt tears streaming down your face. You glanced at yourself in the mirror, your hair a mess and your face red. Then you turned and sat on the toilet lid, pulling your knees up to your chest. You rested your head on them and focused on breathing. You could hear your father in your head telling you that crying wasn't going to help anything.

He hid it from me my entire life. He lied to me. He looked down on my degree because it must have brought back all of this. He was trying to protect me. That alternate timeline girl could have protected herself. She wouldn't have just freaked out and ran to hide while she cried. I could never belong here... Did I ever belong there?

As your thoughts raced you looked down at your arm. The burn from the electric shock you had gotten at the cannery was already starting to heal and scar over. It looked like someone had drawn a line bisecting the outside of your forearm. You ran your fingers over it. It was still tender, but the sensation brought some clarity.

Your head turned as you heard a soft knock on the door.

"[Name]?" Sam's voice called through the thin door. "You okay?"

No. I just found out that my entire life has been a lie, in a world that I don't belong in. That's what you wanted to say. Instead, you didn't answer. Your hands reached up and wiped the wetness from your face. You sniffled.

"[Name]?" Sam tried again.

"Yeah," you answered, standing. You crossed the small room to the sink and turned the cold water on. It ran over your hands until they turned pink. Finally, you cupped them and splashed the water on your face. After drying off, you attempted to fix your hair. You messed with it for ten minutes before growing frustrated, but it was a small distraction. Your hands tugged at your clothes to straighten them, and then you opened the door.

Sam was leaning against the wall across from the doorway. You both stared at each other in surprise for a moment. I thought he would've walked away by now. Sam pushed off the wall and stood up.

"If- if it makes you feel any better, my mom was killed by a demon, too."

You had no idea how to respond to that, so you continued staring, your eyes a little wider.

Sam's face slowly turned pink and his hand moved to the back of his head. "Right, weird thing to say," he smiled nervously.

His awkwardness had broken through your thoughts, though, and you felt your lips curling up at the corners. "Oh, God," you sighed and put a hand to your forehead as you allowed yourself to smile. You looked down the hallway, and then back to Sam. "None of this makes any sense. This is ridiculous."

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