43. Seven Sins and the King of Hell Walk into a Bar

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The drive back to Bobby's was uncomfortable. Your back felt like a giant scab and each bump in the road felt like it was all being torn open. You had skipped the bra, instead opting for a loose shirt and a sweatshirt. It was a beautiful day, though, and the warm weather meant that you were way too hot in the car. So you took off the sweatshirt and used it as a pillow. As you stared out the window you realized it must be summer. You had spent the entire spring season here, with the hunters in this world. Probably a good chunk of the summer, too. But none of that accounted for the months you spent in Hell. What day is it?

Gabriel sat next to you, occasionally putting a hand on your shoulder and giving you a boost of healing energy. Your back was definitely healing faster than it normally would, and with Gabe's help it might be mostly healed by the time you went to bed again. That would be nice. A full night of sleep.

You had slept pretty hard last night, but you hadn't gotten to sleep until about three in the morning after everything and the guys had gotten up fairly early so that Sam could get to a lawyer and have his marriage annulled. Becky was upset, but understanding. You and Dean giggled and fired a few jokes, just enough to make Sam mad all over again. Your energy was dampened by the fresh pain from your new tattoo, but you gave Sam as hard a time as you could. It didn't take long to get on the road.

Now you were almost to Bobby's. Dean had refused to stop at any sit down restaurant, arguing that if the sins were free it was an opportunity for them to find all of you. Instead, you all stopped to drive through a couple of fast food spots and drove straight through. Bobby welcomed you with a stern look before carrying your bag in for you. Still mad at me for going, then. Sam had filled Bobby in on everything last night, but Dean sat and went over the fine details until Bobby was sure he hadn't missed anything. You took this time to lay on the couch, on your stomach. You grabbed a random book from the library behind Bobby's desk and opened to a random page. Apparently the topic you had randomly chosen was Wendigos. You read for a while. Gabriel sat nearby, occasionally putting a hand on you to help you heal and relieve the pain. The hunters took the time to prepare for demons. Salt-rock filled shotgun shells, holy water, and angel blades were taken stock of. As they were running around, you had an unexpected visitor.

"Oh, there you are."

You looked up at Balthazar's voice and found the angel staring at you with a raised eyebrow. Then his gaze turned to Gabriel. His eyes widened and he opened his mouth like he was going to say something before promptly shutting it.

Gabriel grunted. "Spit it out."

"You're supposed to be dead," Balthazar continued to stare.

Gabriel sighed. "I thought the news had spread to everyone. The rest of you know."

"I don't really talk to them," Balthazar responded.

Gabe smirked. "Me either."

Dean came up the stairs with a box of ammo and stopped when he saw Balthazar. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I am offended," Balthazar glanced at Dean and played at defensiveness, but only for a moment before he returned his eyes to Gabriel. "And I am affronted that no one informed me of Gabriel's return."

Dean shrugged and walked around Balthazar. He set the box on Bobby's desk with the rest of the weapons and turned around. "You aren't exactly in anyone's top eight." He crossed his arms.

"Oh, come now. You think Castiel has eight friends?" he asked.

You sighed.

"Why are you here?" Dean asked. You were sure he was aware of the angel blades directly behind him, as were you.

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