35. The Rescuers

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Early the next morning three hunters and two angels stood in Calvary Cemetery in southern Wyoming. The Devil's Gate was a small shed at the back of the lot, covered in moss and sun-bleached wood. Gabriel stepped forward and set his hand on the large seal that marked the door. He looked back at the others curiously.

"Problem?" Dean asked.

"No," Gabriel shook his head at the door. "Just... whoever sealed this was a pretty heavy witch."

Before anyone could respond, Gabriel's hand glowed with a light too bright to look at. It disappeared and the seal was gone.

"My turn," Bobby stepped forward with the Colt in his hand. He pushed it into the keyhole, but waited to turn it. "Ready?" he asked Gabriel.

"Bring it on."

Bobby spun the gun and the door opened. Shadows rushed out of the opening but Gabriel's eyes blazed as he focused his energy around the door and then through it. The shadows were vaporized instantly.

"Okay, everybody in!" Gabriel shouted through the wind that beat the trees around them.

The others rushed through and Gabriel continued to hold off what was inside until the path cleared. They stood in a narrow walkway that seemed to be carved out of wet earth. It was dark, the only light was that of the hunter's flashlights. The path sloped down and into darkness. Angel blades in hand, they stepped forward.

They walked for over an hour. A strange warm breeze whistled through and grew louder as they went. The temperature rose as they walked. Eventually the small hallway opened up and they found themselves in a room littered with filing cabinets and papers. Dark tile covered the floor and off-white ceiling tiles topped the room. A nondescript door sat on the opposite wall with a small frosted glass window. Everything was quiet.

"Cas?" Bobby asked in a whisper.

Cas didn't respond.

"Do you know where we are?" Bobby clarified frustratedly.

Cas stepped forward. "I have not been in this room before."

Rushing footsteps made their way down the hall outside.

"Balls." Bobby looked around. "They know we're here. Everybody hide. When they come in we gank 'em."

They dispersed behind filing cabinets and against the far wall. Four demons entered. Before they could look around, Sam and Dean sprang on the two in the back. Cas moved forward and touched the two in the front, their bodies burnt up from the inside out.

"Shut the door!" Bobby ordered the brothers. He came back around from the filing cabinet and looked over the two dead bodies. "Put those on," he pointed at the suits.

"What? Why?" Dean asked, not liking the idea of putting on a dead demon's outfit.

"Because you can blend in," Bobby explained. "We run into trouble and we're your prisoners."

"They will know I'm an angel," Cas told him.

"Don't give them time to do anything about it," Dean told him.

Moments later, Dean's head peaked out of the room. The hallway was empty. He stepped out, fiddling with the cufflink on his black jacket. Sam followed, a frown on his face. His wrists and ankles were exposed and the jacket was tight.

"Ready for a flood?" Dean smirked as he looked over at Sam.


"Recognize anything?" Bobby asked Cas.

Cas stepped out and looked both ways. At both ends the hallway turned to the left or right. Cas thought for a moment and then led them forward. "This way."

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