46. Communication

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Dean ordered some traditional New York pizza for lunch, which was delivered to the apartment by the building concierge.

As the three of you were eating, Sam asked, "Why did Bobby never mention this place?"

"Beats me," Dean said. "He's not much of a city guy."

"But, concierge, a hot tub down the hall, and I don't know wine but the bottles in that fridge sound like they're worth more than everything Bobby owns combined."

"Maybe Steve Martin told him to keep it completely confidential," you suggested. "Even with other hunters it's only on a need-to-know basis."

It was quiet a moment, and then Sam asked, "Do you think... Bobby sometimes lies about leaving for a hunt and comes here?"

You all looked at each other.

"Nah," Sam and Dean shook their heads and said in sync.

You set half a piece of pizza down on your paper plate. You were hungry, but being awake for so long was starting to give you a headache.

"You okay?" Dean asked as you gently massaged your right temple.

You nodded, but maintained your frown.

"Where do you think we should start?" Sam asked his brother. "Dreams? I feel like that's a little vague."

"Prophetic dreams, maybe," Dean suggested. He stood up and took his pizza with him. "Come on, Sammy. We've got work to do."

Sam nodded and followed. He glanced over at you with concern before following his brother over to the giant island in the kitchen where the laptop and their dad's journal sat.

You managed to finish the slice of pizza. Now you had to choose whether to join Sam and Dean in their research or Cas in front of the TV. Sitting with Cas wasn't very productive, but at least he didn't look at you with those big, concerned puppy dog eyes, or run away to do work whenever he was reminded of the situation. You'd go help the brothers in an hour. For now, you sat with Cas on the couch in front of the giant flat screen. He was watching some National Geographic piece about animals in South America. You wrinkled your nose at the strange choice.

"Mind if I change the channel?" you asked. "I don't really see this keeping me awake."

"Uh," Cas reached for the remote, still looking at the TV, and held it out to you, "No, go ahead."

You took the remote, but didn't use it. "Learning anything interesting? Don't angels, like, know all of this?"

Cas turned away from the TV to look at you. "What?"

"...nevermind." You played with the remote in your hands for an awkward moment.

Cas took a deep breath and then said, "I should apologize for what I did yesterday. I am sorry for forcing myself on you--"

"Woah, woah," you waved your hands in front of you, cheeks heating. "Like I said before. We were all under the influence. Don't worry about it. I mean, you're an angel. The fact that they had any power over you in the first place is crazy. I'm not exactly worried about it happening again." You laughed a little in your nervousness and then cleared your throat when Cas' expression didn't change.

"I don't understand it," Cas said.

"Me, either," you shrugged. "Even with you as weak as you were I didn't think they'd be able to influence you."

"No," Cas said. "I don't understand why I felt those feelings before lust influenced me. Perhaps that is why she was able to use her power on me."

Your eyes widened and your ears burned. "Cas, what do you mean?"

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