50. License to Kill

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"Who are you sending?" Dean asked.

Bobby sighed. "I sent the closest hunter after a rugaru, next closest is dealing with a vamp nest in the UP..."

"We'll go," Dean offered casually.

Bobby raised his head to shoot Dean a look that said he didn't like the joke.

"I'm serious," Dean explained. "We've been here a week. Nada from the demons, zilch from the angels, not even a random nearby monster encounter. Pretty sure we're in the clear. And we've cleaned your whole house. What else is there for us to do?"

Bobby was quiet as he thought. His face softened slightly.

"If we get one of our pairs of wings to teleport us we'd be there faster than anyone else you've got," Dean added.

"He's got a point," Sam agreed.

Bobby turned to you. "You've been awfully quiet."

Your eyes widened and you raised your hands in surrender. "I learned my lesson. You want me to stay, I'll stay. ...but, I'd rather go."

The corner of Bobby's mouth lifted and he huffed a little laugh. Then he turned to Sam and Dean. "Fine. The first sense that something is off or you're dealing with anything beyond a normal hunt you have the means to get out. I expect you to use 'em."

"Deal," Dean smiled, his whole face lighting up. He clapped Sam on the shoulder on his way to the basement stairs. "We've got a hunt, Sammy."

Sam rolled his eyes and turned to Bobby. "We'll be careful."

"Somehow that's not reassuring," Bobby turned and walked over to his desk where he sat. Papers were piled across the top, arranged in different groupings.

Sam looked over at you, shrugged, and then followed his brother down the stairs.

You walked over to Bobby's desk cautiously. You couldn't hush the little voice in your head. "You really think it's okay for me to go?"

Bobby set down a handful of papers and looked up at you, exasperated. "Anything lookin' for you must've assumed this is where you've been all week. We haven't seen or heard nothin'. At its best it means you're done being chased. At its worst it means whatever might be chasing you doesn't care right now. Either way, the only problem I see with you going to Michigan is that those two idjits will be with you and anything coming after you could use them to track you down. But– like I said– they haven't so far."

"Oh," you nodded. "That makes sense."

"Go on, before I change my mind," he grumbled, turning back to his papers.

You nodded quickly and turned on your heel. You went to your room and quickly shoved all of your belongings back into your bag. It took longer than usual. The week had given you time to spread out and get more comfortable. Then you rejoined the Winchesters. You found the brothers in the basement, loading various hunting tools and weapons into their big green duffel. They were mostly done by the time you showed up, so you played with an EMF meter. It was Dean's, the one he had made out of a walkman. It looked like it would fall apart in your hands, but actually holding it you found that it was completely solid.

"You know they make these nowadays? You can buy them," you teased.

"No way am I trusting some Wally World knock off," Dean told you, taking the meter from you. He put it in the bag and then zipped it up. "Homemade is best." You noticed he still wore his smile from earlier.

He really is happy to be getting out of the house. "I didn't say you had to buy one from Walmart," you said. "Are we ready?"

"Yeah," the brothers answered at the same time.

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