10. Fate's Promise

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The next day you and the Winchesters looked for Mr. Russo. You found him halfway through the day, coming out of the hospital with a guy in a neck brace. He was probably a client. The three of you got out of the car and tried to walk up to him as he answered his phone.

"Mr. Russo!" Dean called after him.

He either didn't hear him over his phone conversation, or was ignoring him.

"Shawn!" Sam shouted.

"Mr. Russo!" Dean tried again.

The man walked fast and the three of you were jogging as you tried to catch him.

"He's not hearing us," you told them.

"Russo, stop!" Dean tried again.

This time the man turned and looked at you, standing in the middle of a cross walk. A van slammed on the breaks as it flew toward him and you watched Mr. Russo jump forward and the van screech to a halt.

"Are you okay?" Sam asked as the three of you rushed up to him. He tried to help Russo up.

"Get off of me!" Russo shouted as he stood. "And you two!" he turned and pointed at you and Dean. "I told you to leave me alone, didn't I?"

"We're just trying to help you out," Dean told him.

"Help me? You almost killed me, you lunatic," Russo argued. He took his phone from you, after you had picked it up for him, and said, "Give me that. Unbelievable."

"Russo, hey," Dean tried again as the man walked away.

"Just be glad I'm not suing your ass!" the man turned to shout before a bus flew down the road he was crossing and crashed into him.

"Oh my God," you winced and turned away. The brothers grimaced.

"You've got to be kidding me," Dean stared at the bloody mess now smeared across the road. After a moment of gawking he nudged Sam and said, "Hey, check it out." Dean pointed forward and you noticed a sign on the back of the bus with Russo's face plastered to it.

Sam scoffed and you snorted.

"Too soon?" Dean asked his brother.

"Yeah, Dean," Sam shook his head. "I'm pretty sure six seconds is too soon."

You continued staring at the scene in front of you and the small crowd that was forming, until Sam tapped you and his brother on the shoulder.

"Hey, hey, hey," he tried to get your attention.

You followed his gaze to a building across the street.

"I think I saw her. Right over there," he pointed.

"Her, like, Fate her?" Dean asked.

"What did she look like?" You searched the windows for someone.

"Kind of like a... librarian," Sam answered.

You shot him a look, wondering what the heck that was supposed to mean.

"Your kind of librarian or my kind of librarian?" Dean questioned.

Sam furrowed his brows and shot his brother a look similar to the one you were giving him. "Well, she was wearing clothes, if that's what you mean."

"Alright," Dean nodded and started to walk over to the building.

"Woah," Sam put a hand on his arm before you could start to follow. "We can't just walk over there."

"We're not on the hit list," Dean told him. "We have nothing to do with the boat. Let's go talk to her."

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