44. Bad Pizza Delivery Porno Title Here

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It had been a week since the three of you had been dropped off at the cabin. Bobby occasionally called to update you on his progress, which so far was just that he had put a couple of his best hunters on the case. You hadn't seen Gabriel or Cas since you were all pretty sure they could be tracked by other angels and possibly some kind of spell from Crowley. The fridge had been stocked but there was also a sandwich and pizza shop that was barely close enough to deliver. The delivery man looked annoyed whenever he handed over the food, but Dean just paid him and shut the door.

The first couple of days you had spent looking through the cabin for things to do. You had worked your way through most of the old VHS tapes. Dean had found a deck of cards in one of the kitchen drawers so they taught you how to play poker. The only thing left was a small stack of books in the corner. You thought they might be research-related as Bobby always found ways to stash those books wherever he might need them, but they were all old romance novels. You wondered who had left them there, or if Bobby had a guilty pleasure you didn't know about. They were too cheesy for you to really enjoy reading, but after a while you were so bored it didn't matter. You grabbed the top book and you were halfway through it by the end of the same day.

"...but Lady Foster doesn't know that Sir Callahan has feelings for her so she just gets angry at him all the time," you tried to explain the plot to Sam and Dean, who sat across from you on the couch staring up at the ceiling. "It's... strange."

"No kidding," Dean sighed and took another drink from his beer. "Who the hell can read that crap?"

"Anyone. Apparently. If they're bored enough," you said, putting the book down.

"How long ago did we order food?" Sam asked.

"Feels like hours," Dean grumbled.

You looked over at the clock. "It's been twenty minutes. You two are so dramatic."

"Should we try the TV again?" Dean asked, sitting up.

"It only gets local channels," Sam sighed. "It's all news or soap operas."

"Whatever." Dean grabbed the remote and turned the television on. You watched as channels flipped from the news, to the news, to a soap opera. A woman ran to a man's arms, crying and telling him how sorry she was. Dean left the TV on that channel and set the remote down.

Sam stood up and grabbed his laptop off the kitchen table. "I'm going to see if the internet connection is better in the bedroom."

Dean huffed a laugh. "More like you wanna watch some porn."

"I heard that!" Sam shouted from down the hall.

You rolled your eyes. After standing you took a seat by Dean on the couch. "From one bad love story to another I guess."

"I could turn it to the one Spanish channel and we can pretend to know what they're saying," Dean suggested.

You smiled. "Alright."

Dean picked up the remote and changed the channel again.

Half an hour later and the two of you had created your own show. You both laughed as the credits rolled. It had been one of those overly dramatic soap operas, but you both turned it into a comedy.

You looked up at the clock as the show ended and said, "Where's our food? I thought it would be here by now."

Dean shrugged and sighed. "Maybe he got lost again."

"Man, I'm hungry," you complained.

There was a knock on the front door.

"Yes!" you cheered.

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