17. Yeehaw!

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Finally, you were back at Bobby's. It had taken a day to get back. Sam had called to say that Lisa and Ben were in the hospital, but they were okay. You weren't sure how they had found them, but you were glad they had. You walked into the house with your duffel bag on your shoulder and a smile on your face. Sam and Dean were sitting in the living room.

"Hi, Dean," you greeted the brother closest to you as he sat on the couch.

"[Name]," he greeted without looking up, his face a deep frown.

You shot him a curious look, which you transferred to Sam. "Hi, Sam."

"[Name]," Sam greeted with a smile as he got up. He walked across the room and hugged you, catching you by surprise.

You hugged him back quickly before pulling away.

"How'd it go?" he asked you.

"Lovecraft fanatics aren't very dangerous," you told him with a smile and a laugh. "Sounds like you guys had a harder time. How did you find them?"

Sam glanced over at his brother, who still hadn't looked up, and then nodded towards the door. You set your bag down and followed him back outside. He kept walking until he sat on a stool in Bobby's garage.

You glanced behind you. "Must have been real bad, I guess."

"Yeah." He shook his head. "So, get this. Balthazar agreed to work with us. He said what Cas is doing with the souls could blow him up, and half the planet with him."

Your eyes widened. "That's not good."

"He found Lisa and Ben, but they had angel-proofed the building. He took us there but he couldn't help. To be honest, I got knocked out halfway through the fight, but Dean got Lisa and Ben out."

"You could've waited for us to come help," you told him, concerned eyes following his hand as it reached for the spot on his head that must've been bruised.

Sam shook his head, a sad grin on his face. "Dean wasn't going to wait."

You sighed. "Well, as long as everyone is alright. What's wrong with Dean?"

Sam thought for a moment, formulating what he was going to tell you while he searched your face. "Lisa should've died, [Name]. The only reason she's alive is because Cas dropped by and healed her. He wiped Dean from their memories, too."

Your eyes widened. "What? Why would he do that?"

"Dean asked him to."

You pursed your lips and looked down in thought. "I'm sure he thought that breaking ties would keep them out of anything in the future. Poor Dean."

Sam sighed. "He's been a mess."

"I can only imagine." You turned to rest your hands on the workbench next to you. A moment of quiet passed. Taking a deep breath, you said, "Sam?"

He looked over at you.

"I saw Cas. He was... praying."


You nodded, an uneasy frown on your face. "I think there's still time to convince him that what he's doing is wrong. ...but if even Dean can't get through to him, I don't know how to do that."

"Me, either."

You turned around and crossed your arms before leaning back against the workbench.

"He might listen to you," Sam said, looking up at you out of the corner of his eye, "if you told him that God sent you."

You chewed on your bottom lip and narrowed your eyes thoughtfully. That had been what God was doing, anyway, right? Telling me that I needed to stop Cas. Telling me that Cas needed to hear it was from Him. "I think maybe that's what he wanted me to do- why he showed me." You thought for another moment before asking, "How do we talk to him, though? He doesn't want to talk to us anymore."

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