20. Good Morning, Sunshine State

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You woke up in Bobby's guest room. Sunlight shone through the window above you. As you rolled over you found that your whole body ached from the inside out. The back of your head pounded. Your eyes were dry and burned as you tried to open them.

Either the world had not exploded or this was your heaven. You found the latter hard to believe considering the pain you were in. You sat up and saw that you were still in the clothes you were wearing yesterday. You got up and stretched, getting little relief for your tight muscles. You walked out to the living room and found the Winchesters eating sandwiches at the kitchen table. The radio on the counter played Styx, Too Much Time On My Hands.

"Morning," Dean greeted through a mouthful. He watched you walk slowly towards the table.

Your joints ached and you groaned as you sat across from them. "Morning. So Cas didn't blow up the world?"

"Uh, no," Dean answered. Sam continued to stare at you with wide eyes.

"He listened to you?" you asked the younger brother.

"No, actually, you stopped him," he told you, looking at you like your head was on backwards.

You grunted. "No, he threw me against the wall and knocked me out," you corrected.

"You don't remember anything after that?" Sam asked.

You shook your head.

Sam glanced at his brother, who shrugged, and then turned back to you. "[Name], you got back up. You were possessed by... something."

"What?" you asked, freezing mid-stretch.

"Your eyes were white," he explained, "and your voice was so loud the whole house shook. Cas said- Cas said it was God."

You stared at him. You didn't know what to say. After a moment of attempting to process the information you asked, "Where's Cas?"

"He disappeared after he got you guys to us," Dean answered.

You nodded understandingly, and then had a thought. "Oh, Crowley and Raphael! Did you and Bobby...?"

"Raphael went poof and then Crowley ran," Dean said simply.

"Poof?" you asked, confused.

"Poof," Dean nodded. "Cloud of blood. Completely disintegrated."

"I think you did that," Sam said. "Or God. You said you'd take care of him."

You shook your head. "What about Fate?"

"No idea," Sam shrugged. "But Cas seemed scared of her."

You sighed and messed with your fingers for a moment. Then you looked back up at Sam. "How are you? I mean—" you pointed at your head.

"Good," he nodded.

"Good?" you shot him a skeptical look. "'Cause last night—"

"I'm fine, really," Sam interrupted.

"Alright," you let it go. "That's good. I guess."

"You know who's not fine? Baby. Got thrown around. Stupid demons."

You grinned at Dean. "If we came out of that and the only thing hurt is your car, I'd say we're in good shape."

Dean considered this for a moment before shrugging.

They finished their sandwiches and you all moved away from the table. Dean left to work on the Impala.

Sam asked you, "Are you hungry?"

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