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Tuesday morning was full of stress, especially for Harry.

Not particularly because he was going to put his life in danger but rather because Payne and Malik were annoying the living shit out of him. The lads were scared that something would go wrong and thus hurt Harry. Surely their fear had a teeny tiny point but mainly they managed just to annoy Harry who didn't appreciate their anxiety.

It didn't help his situation. At all.

"I say this one more time", Payne muttered as he was putting a mini microphone on Harry's shirt. "We should go to the cops."

Harry shook his head.

"Remember the last time we went to the cops, seeking their help?"

"They told us to leave these things to professionals", Malik snorted. "They didn't know shit about that Johnson's case."

"Exactly, thank you", Harry said, spreading his arms. "We had to handle it on our own and correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that the exact case which made Century Creed so popular?"

"Maybe people just like that we are playing with fire with our articles", said Payne. "We tell the truth and take huge risks just to get a story, exactly like we're doing right now."

"It's for the greater good", Harry said and shrugged.


Malik nudged Payne. "Get your shit together, we have work to do."

"Indeed." Harry gestured his body. "How do I look?"

"Not like a journalist, that's for sure", Payne said, tilting his head. "Just...act cool, okay?"

Malik nodded. "Don't panic."

Harry sighed. "I'm not panicking."

"Right", Malik and Payne said in unison.

Harry ignored their disbelief and asked, "What time is it?"

"Payne checked his watch. "9am."

"I guess I should leave", Harry said and exhaled slowly. "I'll keep you updated."

Liam nodded, looking dead serious. "Every hour, just to let us know you're okay."

With that, Harry didn't argue. "Bye, guys."

"Good luck", they replied in unison and Harry left.

After being Grimshaw's shadow for the whole day, all Harry could think about was how fucking boring one's life can be. The only time there was some action in the man's life was when he stood outside while he's dog was doing its needs. The whole day Harry had been thinking all the better ways he could've spend his precious time. No one went inside Grimshaw's house, no one, beside the dog, came out. Even Harry had more interesting days.

At 9pm, however, started finally happening. Harry stayed out of sight when Grimshaw's front door opened and the man stepped outside.

"He's moving", Harry muttered to his microphone and soon heard Payne's voice in his ear.

"Be careful."

And then Malik's voice, "Don't panic."

Harry snorted and focused on Grimshaw. He watched as the man walked to his ridiculously expensive Mercedes, stood next to it a few seconds, hesitated but then continued his walk. Harry followed him, keeping his eyes firmly on the man's back. Grimshaw was wearing a suit which didn't surprise Harry. The man was always wearing suits but so did all the other politicians, too.

Harry hated suits.

When Grimshaw turned to some back alley, glancing around, Harry stopped, hiding and eyeing his surroundings. Grimshaw knocked twice on the door and it opened immediately. He stepped inside and the door was shut quickly. Harry gritted his teeth together and hesitantly turned around. Now he was glad that he had made his homework about Bloody Body Club because that's where Grimshaw had disappeared through the back door, Harry recognized the place. He walked back and headed towards the front entrance, which was filled with people who looked like they could make Chuck Norris cry by just smiling at him. Harry wasn't necessarily sure that he fit in but Malik and Payne had made their best and it was too late to go shopping now.

Harry exhaled slowly and then wiped all the emotions away from his face, trying to look as unsuspicious as possible. He walked in without any problems, trying not to bump into anyone. His eyes flickered around frantically until he spotted a glimpse of Grimshaw. The politician stood out like a sore thumb with his suit. Harry let out a sigh of relief until he realized that Grimshaw was heading upstairs, towards the V.I.P section. It was too dark to tell who he was with but Harry was fairly sure it was either Roy Jackson a.k.a Plague or someone from his gang.

"Fuck", Harry muttered. He didn't know what to do next and he felt stupid because he should have known that they would head to the V.I.P section. Harry knew guards wouldn't let him there. "Motherfucker."

"Are you talking to me?"

Harry's head snapped towards the voice and when he saw the man standing in front of him, he felt slightly ill. Fucking Hulk. 

"No", Harry said, spun around and made his way out of the club as quickly as possible. People gave him angry looks when he pushed them out of the way but he didn't care. When he finally got outside, he walked across the street, turned around and stared at the building.

Frustration filled him. Grimshaw was in there, Jackson was in there and God knows who else. Harry needed to get in there, otherwise the whole day had been for nothing. Harry furrowed his eyebrows, his eyes scanning the building, trying to come up with some plan. He didn't want to contact Malik or Payne, not yet. But when the seconds passed by, Harry's fingers lingered on his ear, ready to push the button to contact Payne and Malik. Before he could do it, his eyes caught something.

"Of course!" he cried and dropped his hand down. "Of course!"

The fire escape on the side of the building was all Harry needed. He glanced around quickly and then headed towards the alley. He waited a second, listening, before he started to climb the stairs up. After a moment he closed his eyes and breath slowly. He had to figure out which window would be the right one to slide in. Inside his head Harry could see the club, the walls, everything and he moved his finger in the air, drawing until suddenly he saw the whole picture and his eyes snapped open. He ran a little bit higher and then stood close to the edge, his hands shaking a little bit.

"Damn it." He looked at the wall. It wasn't impossible to walk there, not if you're lean and lanky and half-ninja. He was many things but half-ninja wasn't one of them. However, Harry didn't want to back out now so he fist bumped himself and then slowly and carefully climbed on the fire escape's railing. He looked down and regretted it. He wasn't high but it was high enough to make him feel a twist in his stomach. Lifting his eyes back up, Harry slid his other leg towards the overhang on the brick wall. It took some time but finally he was standing flat against the wall with nothing to protect him from falling. Harry breathed slowly and then started to slide step by step towards the window closest to him. He could hear the drunken people yelling at each other on the street, people walking and cars driving past but none of them noticed Harry doing his incredibly stupid and dangerous thing.

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