Pudding Time

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A new transfer student named Asahi was sent to Class E in order to assassinate Koro Sensei. During with them, Asahi reveal himself as a Bugster and even challenge Tsurugi and Kagero into a fight. Though Asahi the one who have the apprehand at first, Tsurugi and Kagero use their new power to counter him. However, the game ended up as a draw before they could finish it. Today, Kaede have a special plan that she'll use in order to assassinate Koro Sensei.

(Old Campus)
(Class E)

While Koro Sensei is away, Kaede reveal her assassination attempt to the class in order for them to use it against Koro Sensei.

Kaede: What brings us together here today during a school break, no less, is the nation's current egg glut, in which excess eggs, rather then being sent to market, are being discarded in bulk.

Yuma: Oh, yeah. I heard about that on the news. What a waste!

Kaede: Right? So I came up with a plan to salvage those discarded eggs and assassinate Koro Sensei.

It makes them suprise about it.

Rio: What, kill him with eggs?

Kagero: That's not what that shrimpy meant, idiot.

Rio: Who's the idiot?!

Kagero: It's you!

Ryoma: *throw some anti-sensei BBs up & down* Bah. So you cook up a dish, toss in some of these babies? Like he won't see right through that.

Kaede: I gave it a little more thought than that. The first step are already in place, thanks to Karasuma Sensei.

Karasuma: Y-Yes, everything's all set up in the yard--

Kaede: To the yard, everyone!

Karasuma: *in mind* *smile* Honestly. These kids come up with the craziest things.


When they went to the yard, there's a huge pudding mold along with several items and even some trucks.

Manami: This mold... and those eggs... Don't tell me...

Kaede: Yep! We're going to makw one ginormous pudding! I call it... Operation Pudding Popper!

Nagisa: Operation Pudding Popper? Koro Sensei does have a sweet tooth...

Kaede: About that! I've already obtained a crucial confession!

She remember when she and Koro Sensei eating lots of pudding together after school. When Koro Sensei suggest about a large pudding, Kaede said it was impossible but Koro Sensei drive Kaede that it isn't impossible as long as she believe she can do it.

Kaede: Let's make his impossible dream come true! Frankly, I'd like to eat some, too!

She become too excited about it.

Kaede: We'll embed bombs and anti-Sensei BB's in the giant pudding's base. When he gets to the bottom of the thing...

Yuma: It might be worth a try.

Taiga: He does tend to go crazy over sweets and sexy stuff.

Kotaro: And with behind-the-scenes Kayano stepping forward with this plan, there's an element of suprise, too.

Yuma: Okay, let use this time when Koro Sensei's not around, and break some eggs!


The large tarp that cover the mold removed and show the look of the large mold. It is perfectly created in order to make a large pudding. They all wearing aprons and have cloth tied at their head.

Ansatsu Kyoushitsu: Gaming Assassin (Part 2) Where stories live. Discover now