Reaper Time

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Because Class E know that Irina's birthday has passed, they decide to celebrate it with her but things turn bad all the sudden. Irina went missing for three days, and the flower selling guy was a dangerous assassin known as Reaper. He claimed that he have captured Irina and Class E rush there to save her, but Irina ended up betraying Class E in assisting Reaper to capture them. After being called, the Rider trio respond to the call and return to the real world to meet with Karasuma and Koro Sensei to rescue the others.


Tsurugi: What...

Asahi: ...the...

Kagero: ...hell?!

Once they returned to the real world, the trio meet up with Koro Sensei and Karasuma. But what surprises them is that Koro Sensei is dressing as a dog, a very large inhuman size dog.

Koro Sensei: This way. *turn to others* This dog disguise gives me a natural way to track their scent!

Karasuma: What's natural about such an overgrown mutt?

Koro Sensei: Nyuhuhuhuh!

Tsurugi: *sweatdrop* I have no idea what Koro Sensei is thinking right now...

After some walking, they reach a park.


Once they've reach a park where the tracking signal and the scent that Koro Sensei detected, they all look around. They head toward an entrance that face toward the sewer system below the park. Karasuma take out a gun.

Karasuma: So he's taken the students hostage.

Koro Sensei: I'm betting... he means to lure me in and then kill me.

He takes off his dog costume and change back into his usual teacher attire. From the inside, Reaper can see them through the surveillance camera.

Karasuma: Aizawa, Kujo, Asahi, I'd like you take a different entrance.

Tsurugi: Since this is a sewer system, of course they are different passage. Got it.

Asahi: Okay.

Kagero: Don't order me around!

The trio went on their own and try to find the separate entrance.

(Sewer System)

Once Koro Sensei and Karasuma are inside the first passage, they quickly rush in to find where the students are being held. As they reach a certain passage, they sees Reaper in his foggy dark shadow like appearance using his bloodlust and currently holding Irina as a "hostage" while holding a gun at her head.

Koro Sensei: Not you, too, Irina Sensei...

Karasuma: You're behind all this?

Reaper: Does the name "the Reaper" ring a bell?

Karasuma: I've heard about it from Lovro.

Reaper: I let him live on purpose. If I want my competitors to leave the game, I need him to spread the word about me. Hey, how about lowering that gun? Or should I shoot your friend here?

Karasuma: *in mind* The way he obscures his presence...

He lowered his gun, and Reaper push Irina away as she fall onto the floor.

Reaper: I've put explosives on her neck and on the students' necks. I just give the high sign and they'll detonate.

Koro Sensei: You think if you threaten your hostages, I'll die quietly?

Ansatsu Kyoushitsu: Gaming Assassin (Part 2) Where stories live. Discover now