Chapter 14: Something Happened

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It was late at night.

The estate of the Duke of Kargaz of the North was enveloped in quiet serenity. Only the knights on guard and a few workers and servants were still awake to do their rounds and duties while the rest were already fast asleep and drifting into their dreamland.

However, the duchess Atallie was not one with those who were already drifting to and dreaming.

Atallie was fully awake. She was sitting alone in her room in the middle of the night as she stared down the glass hour, intently waiting for the time. Only the light from the moon outside her windows illuminated the interior of the room. The soft glow of it was pouring onto the exact spot where the duchess was currently seated.

The air was cold and the surrounding was bleak. There was a cup of tea on the table which has long been cold and forgotten. The low rustling of the leaves of the trees and the sound of the crickets outside were soothing and calming.

While Atallie was waiting for the time, her mind drifted to what has occurred earlier during the daytime. She was sure that her intentions and meaning were received by Del. However, Del couldn't and wouldn't leave her despite the reasons she had presented. In the end, she allowed Del to remain with her as long as he would not cross the line that she had just drawn herself between the two of them.

Atallie could only sigh in defeat as she sent Del for a task and so as she won't have to worry about Del overreacting to what was about to happen tonight.

As the last bit of sand finally dropped, Atallie's expression remained solemn still, cold and unmoved in the darkness.

"Hah... the midnight is here..." Atallie slowly stood from the couch. With her usual grace and demure, she walked in the direction of the bathroom.

Then, all of a sudden, something happened.

As the moonlight danced across the windows and peaked between the swaying curtains, its glimmer reflected onto the entire frame of the duchess.

But at this moment, what was being shone upon was not the usual cold beauty and glamour of the duchess.

The seeping soft glow of the moonlight revealed an astonishing sight of the duchess.

The usual captivating appearance of Atallie turned into an enchanting and fascinating kind that could bewitch and entrance anyone in just a breath.

Atallie's platinum blonde wavy hair gradually changed into silvery blue straight hair. Not only did it changed in color, but also became straight like strings of finest silk thread that were so smooth to touch. Even her facial features changed. Her already beautiful and almost perfect face became even more pronounced. Having delicate angles with perfect symmetry, lips as pink and luscious as a rose, nose that was sharp and finely pointed, cheeks without any blemishes, and eyes - her cold but beautiful amber eyes which turned into orbs of the glacier and of a distant cloud, the lightest of all the color that eyes could have - a pair of matchless gray eyes that seemed to be able to pierce through and see through someone's soul and take ahold of them in a seemingly inescapable spell, Atallie's changes under the radiance of the night and the moon and the stars above was completely astonishing and breathtaking. Even her curves and body shape became impeccable and her skin was flawlessly fair and porcelain-white. Her height also changed and she became taller.

Atallie, at this very moment, was like an otherworldly being - dangerously enchanting with her peerless appearance that could speechlessly bedazzle and enthrall anyone with just a glimpse of her face. Her beauty was mystifyingly ethereal and frighteningly charming both at the same time. Extreme words of contradictory but they were also complimentary.

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