Author's Note

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Hello, my dear sweet readers!

It's been a while!
I can't believe it's been a while since I've last written a chapter for this story, and — I can't believe that 2023 is already about to end! Wow!

Just how fast the night changes?

First, I'd like to take this opportunity to apologize for my dearest readers for not being active this whole year and for not really updating much. Believe it or not, I am also saddened for my inability to progress this story.

To give you a little update about what's going on and why there was a hiatus. Well, your busybee writer has been pretty busy dealing with life lately, and my day job is occupying a lot of my daily schedule. But of course.

I've also gone twice to go abroad for official mission/business. Thus, before I could even catch a breath, I've come running again.

That's it. So guess why I was now able to visit today? I'm on LEAVE! YES!

And guess what — I have two good news — one is this new cover for TED (The Enchanting Duchess), two is... (*drumroll, please*) I'll be working on a new update!

Yes!! You've read that right — a NEW CHAPTER coming soon.

Now, why don't you check out the old cover here and compare it to the new one in the Prologue. You know, I always love dropping Easter eggs in all my crafts, including book covers!

And now that we have a new cover, you can expect that the story will now be transitioning to a new arc.

As for the rest — you have to find out on your own! (*^▽^*)

Finally, from the bottom of my heart, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all my dear readers who kept on reading and those few who expressed their eagerness for an update. If not for the continuous reads, support, and encouragement, I might be dropping this story already. BUT NO.

As what I have read on a quote today, "STAY INSPIRED. NEVER STOP CREATING"

Thus, we will not stop! We will continue until we finish this one.

I'll see you then!

Before this year ends, I'll see you around!

Your busybee writer Elle (^-^*)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 05 ⏰

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