🍋 Seventeen: A Passionate Explosion

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CW: 18+ Content in this chapter. There will be lemon. You have been warned


The faint sound of something beeping woke me up suddenly. The noise was annoying and I first assumed it was coming from my IV, but when I turned to look at the pole, there was no alarm light blinking. Confused, my eyes went to the door in time to see it shut behind someone.

Pulling myself out of bed, I slowly made my way across the room, looking for the source of the beeping. It didn't take too long to spot the little device, which was stuck to the underside of the counter.

What the hell?

Further confusion settled in my mind before sudden realization dawned on me, the beeping increasing speed.

I sprinted for the window, that being my closest exist, but I wasn't fast enough. There was a loud, ear splitting boom that sent me through the glass of the window, my IV pole following after me. The needle in my room ripped out viciously as I dove away from the building, glass and fire erupting after me as the explosion shook the air above me. Several neighboring windows shattered with the force of the bomb, raining glass down on me as my body descended.

(A/N: I know y'all didn't actually think I'd kill the main baddie 😏)

Recovering quickly, adrenaline kicked in and I reached for the neighboring building, using my quirk to slow my momentum as I clung to the side of the skyscraper. Once I had stopped completely, I turned to look at the hospital, noting the flames that licked the cool night air from the hole in the building that used to be my room.

Burning pain registered in my arm and I turned to see the third degree burn that had found home on my skin. I was lucky that was all that had happened.

Suddenly aware that I was completely naked under this hospital gown, I dropped down to the street below, using the asphalt to absorb my fall like always, and quickly tied my gown in the back, trying to hide my bare ass.

Whoever it was that had planted the bomb was clearly involved with the League of Villains. Somehow, they had found me in the hospital and planted a bomb without anyone noticing. Gritting my teeth, I looked up and down the street, trying to decide what to do. A crowd of people was beginning to form at the base of the hospital, their eyes staring at the fire above them while concerned voices flooded the street.

Anyone who was brazen enough to try to kill me so publicly was likely still around. Going toward the crowd of people could be endangering them.

Clenching my jaw, I hurried away from the scene, going as fast as my tired legs would take me. Eventually, I had walked several blocks. Using my quirk to sense the vibrations around me, I was able to decipher that I was not being followed, so I headed for UA. The walk to the school was long, but I reached the gate and let myself in before stumbling to the dormitories. No one was awake at this time of night, so getting to my dorm was uneventful. When I finally reached it, I shoved the door open and fell into the entry way with a loud thud.

Immediately, someone jumped up from the couch, already in a defensive stance until they saw me.

"Sensei?" The young voice asked in surprise.

My eyes went up to meet Midoriya's, who looked spooked at the sight of me. When I didn't get up off the floor, he hurried to me, calling for someone else. By the time he had reached me, Hizashi had appeared from a bedroom, fatigue and confusion in his face, but ultimately concerned when he saw me.

My friend ran to me as well, helping me to my feet without asking if I needed help. "Aki? What are you doing here? Where's Aizawa?"

My face twitched. "What? He was at the hospital?"

For Her | Sequel to 'Number 7' | Aizawa x OC FanficWhere stories live. Discover now