Ten: Back Again

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After I had thoroughly informed Hizashi of our spotlight news story, security around Eri and Echiko was tightened. Especially for Eri. It seemed that the local police were hell bent on keeping her safe, knowing Shigaraki was interested in her quirk. It was comforting enough for us for the time being. There had been no sign of the League at all around UA.

Akiyasu and I finally got back to our Hosu apartment just to tiredly sink onto the couch together. As I melted into the cushion, Akiyasu curled into a ball in my lap and nuzzled my thigh with her face. In turn, I gentle stroked her dark hair, allowing my eyes to drift shut.

"I hate being away from them." She mumbled into my thigh.

"I know. Me too."

"I wish we lived in a different world."

Her words made my heart ache. I had found myself wanting the same thing on several occasions. It seemed as though having powers made far more villains than heroes. Villains that killed parents, children, the mentally ill, the disabled, and anyone else who were at their mercy. More people had lost their lives to villains than been saved by heroes. And if I were being completely honest, Eri and Echiko would likely be far safer if the world had never developed super powers.

"At least we know they're safe."

"I don't know that. I don't feel like they are. It feels like the farther away I am from them, the more in danger they are. Like I'm the only one capable of protecting them."

"Hey, they have Japan's best heroes looking after them. We're needed here, to help stop the League of Villains. You and I are the only ones with inside information."

She seemed to flinch at my words. In response, I opened my eyes and gingerly stroked her shoulder. She had always been far more vulnerable around me.

"Pisces drives me crazy." She finally said.

"Weren't you the one telling me to give her a chance?"

"That doesn't mean I can't find this whole thing annoying. I've been thinking about how we're going to stop the League with these people and I don't think they're qualified to be taking these villains down."

"What makes you say that?"

"These people wouldn't even be able to take down the Hero Killer. Shigaraki has how many villains on his side? And how many of those villains are elite?"

Sighing, I tried to adjust my position on the couch without disturbing her too much. It reminded me of my cat, Sushi, who would always curl up on me and refuse to move.

"You should try to get to sleep. You need your sleep. Recharge." I urged her, not wanting her to begin stressing herself out.

"I'm tired but I can't shut my mind off."

Huffing, I pulled my hand away from her shoulder and opened my arms. "Come here."

She peered up at me, noticed my gesture, and sat up so she could cuddle herself into my torso. Wrapping my arms around her, I pulled her down with me as I settled horizontally on the couch, letting her lay on top of me. Relaxing into me, she nuzzled her head under my chain and I began to soothe her by slowly dragging my fingers up and down over her back.

"Okay, maybe I can sleep." She muttered, sounding tired now.

"Mhm." I hummed, continuing to relax her. Before I knew it, both of us had fallen asleep.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Whatever dream I was having was loudly interrupted by the obnoxious ringing of my cell phone. Groggily,  both Akiyasu and I sat up, equally confused as we looked for the source of the ringing. It only took me a few seconds to fish into my pocket and retrieve it, answering it before the call could go to voicemail.

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