Twenty One: Are You Ready?

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A/N: MANGA SPOILERS, HEAVY HEAVY MANGA SPOILERS, LIKE BIG TIME SPOILERS, IM NOT JOKING. Spoilers for Chapters 253-306 of the manga. Read at your discretion.

Also, fun fact: Akiyasu is 5'2", which means Aizawa is a whole ten inches taller than her 😂

This is what I had been waiting for. For two months I had been stuck at home, doing nothing but training with the exercise tools Aizawa had managed to get for me. Two months of sitting in an apartment pretending to be dead, but preparing for the worst.

It had all been explained in great length to Aizawa and he had passed the message along to me. Very few people knew I was alive, but the ones who did had included me in the plans.

The plans to attack the League. This attack was far more detailed and thought out than our previous one. All of the top ten heroes would be involved, as well as all the minor heroes in the many surrounding cities. Even Class 1A was part of the plans, as much as I disagreed with allowing children to be apart of something so dangerous. The amount of heroes involved in this was astounding.

The League was now intertwined with someone called the Paranormal Liberation Front. I didn't know much about them except that they wanted to take down heroes and liberate society, whatever that meant. I'm sure I would learn more about it later.

Facing the hospital where we planned our attack, I felt the wind on my face for the first time in a month, relishing in the freedom I had been deprived of for sixty long days. With the information we had, this was going to be a massive battle. There was no way the League was going down without a fight.

The Hero Public Safety Commissions had explained everything they knew so far. The person responsible for creating Nomu's was the doctor of this hospital, Kyudai. He was working with the League, but had been working with One For All for decades, maybe even longer. He was the one we needed to capture because he was the one that could control the Nomu's. Toga, Twice, Compress, and Dabi were the least of my concerns at this current moment. The single villain I was worried about the most was Shigaraki.

"Are you ready?" Aizawa asked me, stepping up beside me.

"Let's end this." I answered, entering my hero form. From my peripheral, I could see my hair defy gravity, the dark strands bleaching to white as they always would.

Aizawa responded by fitting his goggles over his face. To my left, Hizashi stepped beside me, prepared for this fight as well.

"You two promise me you'll be alright." Hizashi said solemnly, his voice more gentle than usual. "The three of us will all be okay."

Aizawa and I nodded, but Hizashi wasn't satisfied with this.

"You need to promise. Say it."

Smiling at my friend, I turned and embraced him, dropping my voice to a whisper. "I promise." He locked me in a tight hug, his hand holding the back of my head against his chest.

When I pulled away, I noticed his teary eyes and frowned at him. "None of that, Mic. Today isn't the day we die."

"I'm sorry." He swiped at the corner of his eyes and sniffled. "You're just my best friends and I love you guys so much."

Surprisingly, Aizawa spoke first. "We love you too. Now knock it off and get ready."

Hizashi sniffed again but smirked at Aizawa. "Always the apathetic one."

I shook my head, a small smile on face, and turned to face the hospital again when I felt a smack to the back of my head.

"Ow." I scowled, turning around to see Ryuko glaring at me.

For Her | Sequel to 'Number 7' | Aizawa x OC FanficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz