Thirty Seven: What Does It Take To Break You?

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Shota met up with me as I left the UA campus, catching up to me quickly by using his capturing scarf.

Already changed into my hero uniform, I snapped my gliders open and took to the air, flying beside him as we headed in the direction of the smoke.

"It could be the League." I verbalized our mutual concern, looking to him as we traveled.

He remained stoic, quiet, and focused, his eyes never leaving the smoke that plumed into the sky.

"That's a lot of smoke. Could it be Dabi?" I asked.

"I dont know." He answered gruffly, glaring ahead. "But if it is..." he paused and met my eye. "I have your back. And you have mine. Everything will be okay."

"Where are the children?"

"They're safe."

I nodded, the both of us reaching the outskirts of the attack now. "You don't think the attack will migrate toward UA?" I asked.

"We won't let it."

I nodded, landing at the top of a skyscraper so I could survey the area. Shota landed beside me, the two of us taking in the scene. Below us, heroes and villains fought openly while civilians scattered. Only a handful of rescue heroes were on the scene, putting out the fires and trying to pull strangers from the totaled vehicles that had gotten caught in the cross fire.

The villains were easy to pick out- Shigaraki, Kurogiri, Dabi, Toga, Compress, Spinner, and Gigantomachia. It was the first time I had seen them all together. Even during the war, they had been split up.

"I'll start with rescuing." I volunteered.

"I'll erase Shigaraki's quirk." Shota informed me.

Giving him a firm nod, I turned to dive down into the wreckage, but he stopped me, his hand gripping my wrist tightly.

"A kiss for good luck?" He asked.

I smiled at him fondly and pressed a quick kiss to his lips. "Come on, you fool."

He didn't have to be told twice, quickly following after me as I jumped from the ledge. By the time we both reached the ground, we were heading in different directions- Shota toward the villains while I began to rip totaled cars open in order to rescue the civilians inside.

I worked quickly, flying from car wreck to car wreck, pulling people out and urging them to run for safety. Most people had cuts and bruises, but when I came upon the massive pileup, I knew there were going to be casualties.

"Need a hand?" A voice came from above me and I looked up in time to see Hawks.

"Help me get them out. I can rip the metal open and you can use your feathers to evacuate." I plotted, looking over the pileup in stress.

"Got it." He affirmed the plan, prepping for the feat.

In a matter of moments, I was ripping open car after car, making great time as I moved on without looking back. Red feathers shot past me in every direction, carrying entire people to safety. When we finished, I looked back to him. "How many casualties?"

"I only counted nine."

"That's too high for me." I mumbled, looking around to make sure all the civilians had escaped the scene of the attack.

"We got them all, Element, we should assist the others and make arrests."

I nodded, turning my back on the scene to look at the other heroes who were restlessly battling the League. "Okay." I sounded hesitant. As if I was scared. Keigo had picked up on it too.

For Her | Sequel to 'Number 7' | Aizawa x OC FanficWhere stories live. Discover now