Twelve: The Trap

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Fastening the clone baby into the stroller, I straightened my spine to see Shota holding the hand of the clone Eri. We had been preparing for days for this trap, getting our resources together and working with top heroes to help us achieve our goal. We needed them to expose themselves and take them out in one go. Granted, our friends were not happy with our plan. But the ones we were close to were not involved in the mission. Instead, we had recruited heroes like Hawks. Not only did we plan on exposing them but we also planned on taking them into custody. The one we really needed to worry about was Shigaraki. He could break us apart into nothing with just one touch.

I had been lost so deeply in thought that when Shota placed his hand on my shoulder, I jumped.

"You ready for this?"

Giving him a nod, I turned my gaze up at his face. "It's now or never."

To my surprise, Shota pressed a kiss to my lips, something he usually only did in private. When he pulled away, his eyes traced the hair that framed my face and he carefully tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. Grabbing my face with both hands, he pressed his forehead against my own. "Be careful, Akiyasu."

"You too." I whispered. The moment was tender and meaningful, as if his words would cast a protective spell over us.

When he pulled away, I followed him with my gaze. "Remember the plan." He whispered. "Protect the clones as if they are real. We want them to think they're real."

I nodded. "I got it."

Hawks' voice came in through our Bluetooth in our ears. "Aizawa. This mission relies on you a lot. We need you to erase Shigaraki's quirk so we can take him into custody. Don't overextend yourself before he shows up."

"I know." Shota grumbled into his earpiece.

"Everyone's in place. You two are free to walk through the neighborhood."

Exchanging glances, Shota and I secured our equipment to the hero suits beneath our street clothes and walked out from the alley we were hiding in casually.

"It'll be good to give the girls some fresh air." I spoke as if Shota and I were in the middle of a conversation. "And besides, the League wouldn't be so close to UA. With all the pro heroes crawling all over the place, they'd get nervous."

"We should still be cautious." He folded his arms and closed his eyes for a moment. "They attacked a student, they could try to attack us."

"They should know by now that messing with the Number 6 pro hero of Japan won't work in their favor. They'll never get these girls away from me."

"We shouldn't be so foolish. These villains are known for attacking when the odds aren't always in their favor."

"Maybe. But what could they do? We know all their tricks. We know all their best players."

I was trying to antagonize them at this point, hoping they were listening. Meanwhile, Shota was trying to play it as though he was worried. Alert, like he usually was. He would be the one to make them think this was real.

As we drew closer to the building that Pisces had tagged as of interest, I paused and stared at it with intensity. Shota stopped beside me and cocked his head. "What is it?"

"I feel...movement. Weird movement."

"Alright, we can give the cops a heads up and have them check it out."

I nodded. "Of course. We should get the girls back to the school. Something isn't right."

Maybe if we made them think this was their only chance to get the girls, they'd be more likely to show themselves.

For Her | Sequel to 'Number 7' | Aizawa x OC FanficWhere stories live. Discover now