Fourteen: Element and Endeavor

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Nomu turned his attention on the new, bigger, more flammable hero that joined the fight, seeming almost unconcerned with me now that Endeavor had arrived. With Endeavor being number 1 now, I could only assume that Shigaraki wouldn't mind at all if the Nomu attempted to take him out. After all, Aizawa and I weren't the only heroes on the League's radar. Even Midoriya was a high focus of theirs.

The two characters of pure muscle mass collided head-on with each other. Endeavor had turned up his flames to his own blue color, the same degree he had used to kill the last Nomu with when he got his face scar. The high temperature melted through Nomu's flesh until there was just bone. In response, Nomu jumped away and tried to take flight, but the hole in its wing caused it to face plant into a fire hydrant. It got up quickly but kept its distance, the skin of its arm and wing mending slowly.

"It's trying to heal!" I yelled at Endeavor. "Attack it while it's vulnerable!"

Endeavor turned to look at me but Nomu moved, it's fist colliding with my rib cage. The force of the punch was painful enough, but I doubted anything had broken. It was still dazed from its arm loss. Still, it continued to throw punches at me with the only arm it had. I dodged as many as I could, the ones that did land only making contact when I used my arms to protect myself.

Coming to help me, Endeavor threw attacks of his own at the beast, his fists flaming. Nomu backed off of me to attack Endeavor, but I ganged up on the creature, creating my own blue fire. Not allowing Nomu to regenerate any further, we both punched it with and shot hot streams of fire at it repeatedly.

Occasionally, the creature would lash out at one of us, but it was cornered and any attempt to attack back was dodged with ease. Nomu's skin was melting off and blistering the more our attacks landed. Clearly distressed, it grabbed the closest thing to its body, which just so happened to be a car of all possible things, and threw it our way.

Jumping forward and planting my left foot into the ground in front of me, I made a wide ripping motion using my entire arms and the car split in half. The two halves slid across the pavement as if they were weightless. With the two of us momentarily distracted, the Nomu moved in to attack again, appearing in the space between the car halves and grabbing me by my elbow. Twisting its body around one time, it chucked my body in Endeavor's direction and I crashed into his abdomen with enough force to topple the massive man.

Flipping off of all fours and onto my back, I straightened and quickly threw a ring of fire at it with a horizontal kick. Nomu dodged and threw a dumpster in my direction, but Endeavor kicked the heavy object away with just enough force that it only nearly hit me, skidding past me with only inches to spare.

Nomu then resorted to ripping up slabs of concrete and asphalt, effortlessly hurling the fridge-sized chunks of street at us one after another. Grabbing Endeavor's shoulders, I used his body to propel myself forward and turned the concrete and asphalt into liquid before it reached us. Waving my arms around wildly, my broken collarbone screaming in defiance, I manipulated the hot liquid elements and threw streams of it back at Nomu. Each stream made contact with different parts of it's body, first being it's shoulder, then it's abdomen, then it's thigh, and finally it's face. The head shot nearly toppled the beast, making it stumble backwards. Endeavor practically skated around me to deliver a fire attack while it was caught off guard. Flames erupted against the beast's left side, causing it to stumble to the right now. Moving in closer, I also delivered a fire attack, this one hitting it's right side so it would stumble to the left. Nomu shrieked in frustration and took flight, rising above us as we threw more flames it's way.

Snapping my glider open, I took off after it, doing circles around the winged creature as I threw attack after attack. In desperation, Nomu twisted it's body around and flew directly into me, grabbing me around my shoulders with its claws. I attempted to shoot fire at it's chest with my palms, but the creature pulled me in close, leaving no room for my arms to move. No longer flapping it's wings, we started to plummet from the sky, losing altitude quickly. As the ground grew closer, I felt sharp pain in my neck. Writhing in Nomu's grip, I realized it had sunk it's teeth into me, and it wasn't letting go.

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