Fifteen: Aizawa and Shigaraki

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I dodged the Nomu's attack and clung to the side of the building, watching as the beast zeroed in on Akiyasu and chose to attack her. As much as I wanted to lend a hand, I knew my priority had to be with apprehending Shigaraki. He, of course, had instantly focused his attention on the line of the police that was attempting to surround him and Dabi after Nomu had bowled through them like bowling pins. Before I could react, Shigaraki reached out and grazed his fingers along the forearm of the officer closest to him. In response, the man burst into a spray of dust, ceasing to exist within only half a second.

I might have cried out, but the only action I consciously made was bolting forward and using my scarves to push the rest of the officers out of reach. At the same time, I erased Tomura's quirk so he couldn't kill anyone else. The villain scoffed and gave me a dirty look, prompting his sidekick Dabi to lash out in return.

It didn't take me long to erase his quirk as well, but he had already sent sapphire flames into the air. I dodged the flames and reached out for Dabi with my scarves, but he bypassed them and resorted to close combat fighting. He threw a punch, I dodged and threw a kick. He dodged and threw a kick of his own. I shielded my head with my arm, allowing my forearm to absorb the blow.

"Can't erase everything, can you, Eraser?" Dabi taunted, continuing to throw attacks at me.

"I'm not even breaking a sweat." I retorted.

"Don't count me out just yet." Shigaraki chimed in, extending his hand out for me. His fingertips made contact with my street clothes and they disintegrated off of my body, leaving only my baggy hero suit. That was all he was able to touch before I jumped away. They both decided to gang up on me, but I had been in worse positions throughout my career. The two quirkless villains using only human strength to attack me would do very little in a fight. Still, all I had was human strength as well. The three of us went into a full-on street brawl, kicking, punching, shoving, throwing, and doing whatever we could to deal damage. Trying not to blink was the hardest part. Everytime I needed to, Dabi would take advantage and try to fight with fire. Literally.

"Do you guys need me?" Hawks' voice came through my ear piece.

"No." I replied bluntly. I could handle quirkless villains. Akiyasu likely wouldn't be able to handle Nomu on her own and I didn't want to take resources away from the only villain who was a true threat at this moment. I would ask for help when I definitely needed it.

"Don't stress yourself out, Eraser." Shigaraki warned. "You wouldn't want to get tired."

Not gracing him with a response, I threw my scarves at him and attempted to restrain him. Dabi intervened and kicked my arms, causing me to tumble sideways and trip into the street. As I straightened, I heard Akiyasu scream and it took everything in me not to look away and distract myself by checking on her. Picking myself back up, I launched several attacks on the villain duo, giving it my all. I just wanted to capture them and put an end to this nightmare. In the heat of things, I almost didn't notice the white glow that gripped the entire street. Glancing up, I noted Akiyasu in the air, shooting massive white flames from her feet. The heat from the attack was so intense that I began to sweat, despite the fire being several yards away from me.

I tried to remain focused, trying again and again to restrain either of the villains that were attempting to escape before reinforcements could show up and detain them. They knew the longer they fought me, the more likely more heroes would show up. Little did they know I had Hawks on standby. I just needed to make sure both quirks were erased so he wouldn't get hurt. It was difficult to keep both of them quirkless at the same time, as they continuously attacked me from opposite sides, knowing I couldn't keep my eye on both of them with tactics like that.

For Her | Sequel to 'Number 7' | Aizawa x OC FanficWhere stories live. Discover now