Eight: Christmas Peace

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The pallid color of her skin reminded me of the sea shell she had found a few years ago and now used as a mantle piece in the dorm. She was so peaceful now as I silently watched her sleeping form take slow and steady breaths.

"She lost consciousness from blood loss." A high pitched voice intercepted my thoughts. "But after that blood transfusion we gave her, she'll be fine by tomorrow."

I looked away from Akiyasu's face to inspect the nurse speaking to me. "Thank you, I'm sorry you can't be with your family today."

"It's not as if your wife went picking fights on Christmas Eve." She tried to relieve me of my guilt.

I didn't bother to mention that Akiyasu and I weren't married yet. We had been a couple in the eyes of the public for so long that it was default now. "I know. But she is famous for picking fights, you know."

The nurse smiled at me warmly. "That's her job as a hero, isn't it?"

I shrugged and crossed my arms as I leaned back in the chair beside her bed. "I suppose. It's just tedious. I don't get injured nearly as often as she does."

"You're an underground hero, Eraser. She's in the top ten. Trouble tends to follow the heroes that are that successful. Trust me, I see it all the time."

I nodded. "I'm sure you do. I'm sorry."

She smiled again. "No need for apologies. She should regain consciousness soon. As soon as she does, we'll open visitation to friends." With that, she left the room.

My eyes found Akiyasu's face again and I lost myself in thought for a long time until my ringtone broke my train of thought. I jumped slightly and pulled the device from my pocket, checking the caller ID to see it was Hizashi.

"Hey." I answered shortly.

"How's she doing?"

"She'll be fine. 32 stitches in total."

"Ouch, that big?"

"No, there were three long ones and two shorter ones. They gave her more blood and said she'll wake up soon. When she does, you guys can see her."

"It's only me, All Might, and Nezu here. Everyone else stayed at the dorm with Eri and Echiko."

"Who's watching them?"

"Ryuko, mainly, but she has help from about five other staff members."

"Is that enough?"

"You worry too much. They're in good hands, Shota. We're not the only capable heroes."

I shook my head. "You're right, I'm sorry. I'm just paranoid."

"There's nothing to worry about right now. Will Akiyasu be home for Christmas tomorrow?"

"She should be. There's no reason for her to stay the night here."

"Except to monitor her head. I'm sure she has a concussion."

"No concussion. Her brain is too stubborn, I guess."

Hizashi snorted on the other end. "Accurate summary of her as a person."

I chuckled and leaned back in my seat. "Alright, well, I'm gonna go. It's very exciting watching her sleep, you know."

"You only say that because her sleeping is the only time you have peace of mind." He laughed on the other end.

"You're not wrong. I'll call you when she wakes up."



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