Twenty Three: Aftermath of War

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A/N: as usual, MANGA SPOILERS.

Everything that happened next happened so quickly that I could barely register what was going on.

Shigaraki released a shock wave, blowing himself out of Ryukyu's hand and launching himself forward. He gripped Eraserhead's face tightly, digging his fingers into his flesh, but still, Aizawa refused to submit, continuously using his erasure on the villain. As Midoriya used blackwhip to pull Shigaraki back, I summoned a slab of rock into the villain's chest. At the same time, ice erupted against his chest as well, our three attacks working together to blow Shigaraki away from Aizawa. When I looked around, I saw Shoto Todoroki join the fight. He was the one who had used the ice.

Aizawa collapsed, prompting me to sprint forward. When I reached him, I realized his eyes were closed. My blood ran cold as I looked over my shoulder to see that Shigaraki had completely healed from his burns. Which meant he could use decay now that Eraserhead could no longer erase his quirk.

Dropping down beside him, I used my quirk to slow the blood flow from the artery in his leg, trying to stabilize the severed limb as best as I could while Rock Lock and Manual applied a tourniquet.

"Midoriya, run." I commanded the child. "Get out of here, now." I urged him, knowing that Shigaraki was preparing to kill all of us. At the same time, I tightly wrapped a bandage around the stump of Shota's leg, trying to avoid massive blood loss.

Instead, Midoriya grabbed all of us using blackwhip, sending us into the sky as Shigaraki attempted to use decay to kill us. Winds whipped hair into my face as I tried my best to focus on one thing at a time. Suddenly, we're being dropped back onto the ground and Midoriya disappears. It's only when I hear the battle behind me that I realize he's fighting Shigaraki one on one.

The fight is taken into the sky, the two battling and not yielding to the other. Eventually, when I'm sure Aizawa is as stable as he can be, I turn to look up with everyone else, watching the two powers take each other on.

"Deku will die at this rate." Bakugo states, his eyes still cast at the sky. "This is a battle of attrition. They're trying to wear each other out. The only problem is that bastard can regenerate. Deku can't." Suddenly, Bakugo is yelling for Shoto, the two planning something, which Endeavor agrees to. In fact, the number one hero takes the two up to the battle himself.

I only looked away for a moment, but when everyone around me gasped, I looked up to see Endeavor get stabbed with one of Shigaraki's quirk's attacks. At the same time, the remaining part of the attack heads for Midoriya, but Bakugo shoved his friend out of the way and takes the full force of the attack, getting stabbed several times.

I cried out, no intelligible words leaving my mouth as full terror and surprise took over. Shoto shot forward to catch Bakugo as he passed out. Shigaraki says something to Midoriya that I can't hear, and he responds with complete and utter blind rage.

"TAKE THAT BACK!" The green child screams out, biting down on the villain's attack. At that moment, Shigaraki moves forward, successfully touching Midoriya.

My heart stops. Is he going to kill him?

Whatever happens occurs quickly as the two suddenly shoot away from each other, an invisible force blowing them apart and causing both of them to fall out of the sky.

Shoto catches Midoriya and I run forward, reaching out for the students. Shigaraki still has control of the rivets he had used to stab Endeavor and Bakugo.

"Get the injured out of here." Shoto instructs the heroes that are now reaching the scene, which include Ingenium and Nejire. More heroes pop up on the scene. We needed to get Ryukyu, Endeavor, Bakugo, and Eraserhead off the scene. All of them had been badly injured at this point.

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