Eleven: Planning the Unknown

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The uproar of several voices talking at once was overbearing at best. Both Aizawa and I sat in silence, watching the chaos ensue among the heroes Pisces had gathered. Now, we all sat at my hero headquarters, only a few miles from UA High. Everyone seemed to be arguing amongst each other so loudly, that I could barely make out what was being said. I could only focus on one person at a time, but every voice was talking at once, so I was missing large chunks of conversation.

"This is ridiculous." I mumbled to Aizawa, who only nodded in response.

"Clearly the League was trying to lure Element and Eraserhead out of the city. It would be easier to attack with them gone and they knew it! We played right into their hands!" One angry male hero was yelling at Pisces.

"If they were luring them out of the city, wouldn't they have attacked their children?" Pisces shot back.

Another person interjected themselves into the yelling match, "Why would they bother? Eri and Echiko never leave the campus, which has tightened security since the last breach when they attacked the USJ. But the students leave campus all the time! It'd be easier to get an attack in on a student than one of the children."

"That makes no sense!" Someone else yelled. "Why lure them out of the city just to attack a student? They knew attacking a student would bring Element and Eraser right back into the city!"

"I don't know!" Pisces yelled back, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Nothing they do makes sense."

"I doubt they were luring anyone out of the city. It would be difficult to know when Element and Eraser left, considering their departure was kept under wraps. But I think they were trying to get them to come back to the city."

"And why would they do that? Any hypothesis or are you just talking to talk?" Someone snapped at the previous person.

"Listen!" They hissed. "We know Shigaraki stole the quirk stealing bullets from Chisaki. What if they're leading Eraser and Element right into a trap? One where they plan to shoot them to get rid of their powers? With those two out of the way, taking the children will be that much easier."

Finally having enough, heaving a sigh, I stepped into the table and stomped, making all the metal in the room clash together loudly. "EVERYONE SHUT UP!"

The voices immediately ceased and everyone looked to me expectantly. Shota stifled a chuckle and averted his gaze.

"Now, since all of you are running around with your heads cut off, I think it's about time Eraserhead and I took the lead on this mission. None of you have any clue who the hell you're dealing with. And this charade is one big joke. We've accomplished nothing. So I'm taking the reigns and all of you are going to shut the hell up and do what we say. Otherwise, you're all going to fall victim to the League just as Eraser and I did last year."

No one looked happy, but they didn't argue either. Even Pisces seemed to accept her loss of control and she settled into her seat quietly.

Embracing the spotlight, Aizawa pushed his chair away from the table and began to make his away around the heroes that were now sitting quietly. "We tried doing things your way." He started, his hands clasped behind his back. "But you are all immensely underprepared for what you're facing. This villain group isn't a ragtag team of street criminals like we originally thought. They are coordinated, and they have quirks on their side that we can not fight. However, we have experience and wisdom on our side, as well as the element of surprise. They won't be expecting us to have such a large hero group working together to take them down. At this point, they've only encountered the top ten and me, head-to-head. All of the heroes they've encountered, they've had information on. They know our quirks. They know our weaknesses. They've seen us in battle. But not you guys. You're all underground heroes. Your quirks aren't common knowledge. Your fighting styles, your weaknesses, your strengths... they're all going to be a surprise. We need that right now. Shigaraki was prepared for All Might and the UA teachers because he had the element of surprise on us first. So, running in blind is the worst thing we could do right now."

For Her | Sequel to 'Number 7' | Aizawa x OC FanficWhere stories live. Discover now