Thirty Five: I Trust You

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I kept my arms crossed in disapproval as Akiyasu spoke with Principal Nezu about the newest guest to UA- the woman who had kidnapped our child, Maiyu.

Despite my unwillingness to press charges, I just couldn't bring myself to like or trust the girl. After all, she had spent the better part of a year with the League. Who knows what other crimes she had committed or condoned while with them. The fact that Akiyasu trusted her to be on the same campus as our daughters had me uneasy.

"She agreed to help us with intel on the League. But they're hunting her down and already destroyed the police station trying to kill her, so she needs somewhere to stay, somewhere safe from any member of the League." Akiyasu explained.

Nezu rubbed his chin with his paw. "I see. And you don't think she'll do anything to hurt anyone?"

"No, I don't."

Nezu looked to me. "What about you, Aizawa? Do you think it's a good idea to have Maiyu on campus?"

I clenched my jaw and averted my gaze so I wouldn't have to look at Akiyasu, who was staring at me expectantly. "I'm not sure it's a good idea. I don't know anything about this person except that she kidnapped my daughter and then returned her."

"So, you're not comfortable with it?"


Akiyasu faltered and looked back at Nezu. The white haired little creature rubbed his temple in thought. "I'm not convinced this is safe, Mits- er- Akiyasu." He finally said, slipping up on her name since her family name was no longer Mitsuko but Aizawa since marrying me.

She cinched her brows together. "I'll take full responsibility for her. She can be housed separately from everyone else and I'll watch over her until the League is in custody."

Nezu seemed intrigued by this. "You trust this villain that much?"

"She's not a villain." She argued. "She needs guidance. She knows what's right and what's wrong. She put her life in danger to do what was right. To help me! She needs help and if we don't help her, we doom ourselves to losing her. Whether that be she returns to the villains or they kill her. That's not something I can live with. It doesn't feel right that she did the right thing and then we let her die because of it."

God dammit, why does she have to be right? I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration. "She has a point." I said through clenched teeth.

"How do you propose we ensure the safety of everyone else?" Nezu asked.

"With this." Akiyasu pulled a metal bracelet from her pocket and handed it to the principal, who began to inspect it closely.

"What is this?"

"It's a quirk suppressing bracelet with a tracking device. It can only be removed by someone who has the password. It won't let her transform into Cryptid and we'll always know where she is. It even keeps track of every location she goes to, so she won't be able to commit a crime without being placed at the crime scene."

Nezu seemed impressed, rolling the bracelet between his paws. "What an intriguing device. I suppose it's all we can do to ensure our safety while also protecting the girl. As long as you're sure this little bracelet can't be compromised, then I must say that I can not refuse a cry for help."

Suddenly, both of them turned to look at me, expectation on their faces.

"Why are you looking at me?"

"You said you weren't comfortable with it. So the final say is up to you." Akiyasu spoke.

Closing my eyes, I sighed again. "I don't trust her." I answered honestly, then I opened my eyes and met Akiyasu's gaze. "But I trust you. I'll go along with whatever you decide."

For Her | Sequel to 'Number 7' | Aizawa x OC FanficWhere stories live. Discover now